Odfjell SE Annual Report 2012

Odfjell SE Annual Report 2012

Odfjell SE Annual Report 2012


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odfjell group<br />

by the lessor are classified as operating<br />

leases. Payments made under operating<br />

leases are charged to the net result on a<br />

straight-line basis over the lease term, see<br />

note 16 and note 20.<br />

2.13 Goodwill<br />

Excess value on the purchase of an operation<br />

that cannot be allocated to fair value on the<br />

acquisition date is shown in the balance sheet<br />

as goodwill. In the case of investments in<br />

associates, goodwill is included in the carrying<br />

amount of the investment. Goodwill<br />

is not amortized, but goodwill is allocated<br />

to the relevant cash generating unit and an<br />

assessment is made each year as to whether<br />

the carrying amount can be justified by future<br />

earnings, see note 2.14 impairment of assets.<br />

2.14 Impairment of assets<br />

Non-financial assets<br />

At each reporting date the accounts are<br />

assessed whether there is an indication<br />

that an asset may be impaired. If any such<br />

indication exists, or when annual impairment<br />

testing for an asset is required, estimates<br />

of the asset’s recoverable amount are done.<br />

The recoverable amount is the highest of<br />

the fair market value of the asset, less cost<br />

to sell, and the net present value (NPV) of<br />

future estimated cash flow from the employment<br />

of the asset ('value in use'). The NPV<br />

is based on an interest rate according to a<br />

weighted average cost of capital ('WACC')<br />

reflecting the required rate of return. The<br />

WACC is calculated based on the Company's<br />

long-term borrowing rate and a risk free<br />

rate plus a risk premium for the equity. If<br />

the recoverable amount is lower than the<br />

book value, impairment has occurred and the<br />

asset shall be revalued. Impairment losses<br />

are recognised in the net result. Assets are<br />

grouped at the lowest level where there are<br />

separately identifiable independent cash<br />

flows. We have made the following assumptions<br />

when calculating the 'value in use' for<br />

material tangible and intangible assets:<br />

(i) Ships<br />

Future cash flow is based on an assessment<br />

of what is our expected time charter earning<br />

and estimated level of operating expenses for<br />

each type of ship over the remaining useful<br />

life of the ship. As the <strong>Odfjell</strong> ships are<br />

interchangeable and the regional chemical<br />

tankers are integrated with the deep sea<br />

chemical tankers through a logistical system,<br />

all chemical tankers are seen together as<br />

a portfolio of ships. In addition the pool of<br />

officers and crew are used throughout the<br />

fleet. <strong>Odfjell</strong> has a strategy of a total crew<br />

composition and how the crew is dedicated<br />

to the individual ships varies. Changing the<br />

crew between two ships can change the net<br />

present value per ship without any effect for<br />

the Group. This also is an argument for evaluating<br />

the fleet together. As a consequence,<br />

ships will only be impaired if the total value<br />

of the ships based on future estimated cash<br />

flows is lower than the total book value.<br />

(ii) Tank terminals<br />

Future cash flow is based on our expected<br />

result for each terminal. We have calculated<br />

the 'value in use' based on estimated five<br />

years operating result before depreciation<br />

less planned capital expenditures each year<br />

plus a residual value after five years.<br />

(iii) Goodwill<br />

Goodwill acquired through business combinations<br />

has been allocated to the relevant<br />

cash generating unit (CGU). An assessment<br />

is made as to whether the carrying amount<br />

of the goodwill can be justified by future<br />

earnings from the CGU to which the goodwill<br />

relates.<br />

We have calculated 'value in use' based on<br />

net present value of future cash flows. If<br />

'value in use' of the CGU is less than the<br />

carrying amount of the CGU, including<br />

goodwill, goodwill will be written down first.<br />

Thereafter the carrying amount of the CGU<br />

will be written down.<br />

(iiii) Customers relationship<br />

Customers relationship acquired through<br />

business combinations has been allocated<br />

to the relevant cash generating unit (CGU).<br />

An assessment is made as to whether the<br />

carrying amount of the customers relationship<br />

can be justified by future earnings from<br />

the CGU to which the customers relationship<br />

relates. We have calculated 'value in use'<br />

based on net present value of future cash<br />

flows. Impairment exists when the carrying<br />

amount is not recoverable and exceeds its<br />

fair value.<br />

Financial assets<br />

At each reporting date the Group assesses<br />

whether a financial asset or a group of<br />

financial assets is impaired.<br />

(i) Assets carried at amortised cost<br />

If there is objective evidence that an impairment<br />

loss on assets carried at amortised<br />

cost has been incurred, the amount of the<br />

loss is measured as the difference between<br />

the asset’s carrying amount and the present<br />

value of estimated future cash flows<br />

discounted at the financial asset’s original<br />

effective interest rate.<br />

(ii) Available-for-sale-investments<br />

If an available-for-sale-investment is<br />

impaired, an amount comprising the difference<br />

between its cost and its current fair<br />

value, less any impairment loss previously<br />

recognised in profit or loss, is transferred<br />

from equity to profit and loss. This normally<br />

applies in a situation with changes exceeding<br />

20% of the value or expected to last for more<br />

than six months, both based on original cost.<br />

With the exception of goodwill, impairment<br />

losses included in net result for previous<br />

periods are reversed when there is information<br />

that the basis for the impairment<br />

loss no longer exists or is not as great as it<br />

was. This reversal is classified in revenue<br />

as an impairment reversal. The increased<br />

carrying amount of an asset attributable to<br />

a reversal of an impairment loss shall not<br />

exceed the carrying amount that would have<br />

been determined (net of depreciation) had<br />

no impairment loss been recognised for the<br />

asset in prior years.<br />

2.15 Derivative financial instruments<br />

and hedging<br />

Derivative financial instruments are recognised<br />

on the balance sheet at fair value. The<br />

method of recognising the gain or loss is<br />

dependent on the nature of the item being<br />

hedged. On the date a derivative contract is<br />

entered into, we designate certain derivatives<br />

as either a hedge of the fair value of a<br />

recognised asset or liability (fair value hedge),<br />

or a hedge of a highly probable forecasted<br />

transaction (cash flow hedge) or of a firm<br />

commitment (fair value hedge).<br />

Changes in the fair value of derivatives<br />

that qualify as fair value hedges and that<br />

are highly effective both prospectively and<br />

retrospectively are included in net result<br />

together with any changes in the fair value<br />

of the hedged asset, liability or firm commitment<br />

that is attributable to the hedged risk.<br />

Changes in the fair value of derivatives<br />

that qualify as cash flow hedges and that<br />

are highly effective both prospectively and<br />

retrospectively are recognised in statement<br />

of other comprehensive income. Amounts<br />

deferred in statement of other comprehensive<br />

income are transferred and classified in<br />

net result when the underlying hedged items<br />

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odfjell annual report <strong>2012</strong>

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