Volume 1

Volume 1

Volume 1


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sible until dark, when we stopped for the night, and formed<br />

an entrenchment with our baggage to prevent the buffalo<br />

and horses from running over us. The buffalo dung being<br />

too damp to take fire, we remained in the dark, every<br />

moment in dread of being trampled. About midnight a<br />

large herd of buffalo passed so near some of our horses as<br />

to make them break their cords, and away they went ; but<br />

fortunately their legs were tied.<br />

no purpose ;<br />

the night was too dark.<br />

We pursued them, but to<br />

Aug-, ^t/i. At daybreak we were on the lookout for<br />

comrades<br />

our horses, and found they had returned to their<br />

that were tied near us. We lost no time in loading, during<br />

which several old bulls stood at a short distance to windward,<br />

staring at us with as much unconcern as if they were<br />

common cattle. We took our course north, and soon found<br />

an astonishing quantity of water, which overlaid the plains<br />

more extensively than we had before seen since the commencement<br />

of our journey. Buffalo continued to appear<br />

in every direction around us. At twelve o'clock we came<br />

to the Grosse Butte,* which seemed to be their termination<br />

northward, as we saw only a few straggling bulls ahead<br />

of us. From^ the summit of these hills we could discern<br />

Turtle mountain like<br />

a low, blue cloud due N. from us, distant<br />

about 20 leagues. The hills are partially covered with<br />

short grass ; the greater part being a barren, white sand,<br />

particularly on the S. side, where there<br />

is no verdure whatever.<br />

Upon the N. side, at the foot of the hill, is a beautiful<br />

lake about three leagues in circumference, with a<br />

beach of white gravel and sand. At the S. end, adjoining<br />

the foot of the hill, is a delightful little wood, which runs<br />

' After crossing Mouse r. from S. to N., Henry took first a N. E. and then<br />

a N. course, in McHenry Co.<br />

As this river is running northeastward and then<br />

northward, he is W. of it, and has it on his right hand, at no great distance.<br />

But as he has given no distances on these courses, identification of his Grosse<br />

Butte can only be conjectured. Two of the most conspicuous and isolated elevations<br />

in the region are now known as White Rock hill and Little Medicine<br />

Lodge. The latter is 10 or 12 m. N. E. of the former, which I am inclined<br />

to think may be his Grosse Butte.<br />


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