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A Harvest Festival<br />

The Sacraments of Hospitality ˜ 243<br />

what is the festival of shelters<br />

The Festival of Shelters is a harvest festival like our own Thanksgiving, and<br />

it is a festival of redemption. It combines earth care and human liberation. The<br />

festival is a time of eating delicious foods and enjoying the sensual depths of our<br />

good bodies, and it is a time to remember God and the poor, and to step forward<br />

on the jagged journey for justice.<br />

As a harvest jubilation, creation, food, and rest are signalized. Creation: In<br />

the beginning . . . God . . . created the heaven and the earth! And God saw that<br />

it was good! And God was very pleased. And God rested. The very intention of<br />

creation is goodness. Look at it. Creation is a call to celebration. Creation is doxology.<br />

Thank you for my wonderful tingling, jingle-jangle flesh and this good,<br />

good earth.<br />

Food: there is enough! There are no food shortages! The harvest is gathered<br />

and there is enough for everyone. There is no flaw in creation; there is no surplus<br />

population. Even in days of famine the people of God found food and confessed<br />

their loyalty to the Giver of Harvest. The Festival of Shelters is a liturgical<br />

witness to the political analysis that hunger has nothing to do with food<br />

shortage. Hunger is a result of public policy and personal fear and greed. Neither<br />

God nor the earth is responsible for hunger. Both share the glory of this<br />

Thanksgiving merrymaking.<br />

But then, as now, hunger and poverty stalked the land. Hunger is a perennial<br />

Harpy. Thus the social policy of the Bible demands that the right of gleaning<br />

the fields be instituted and protected (Lev. 19:9–10). Harvest festivals are<br />

spirit-filled precisely as they are inclusive of hungry people and protectors of<br />

barren lands. The gleaning laws are of special importance to us in the United<br />

States, for implicit in them is the wastefulness and generosity of our loving Creator.<br />

Gleaning prohibits maximizing profits—a business principle always at<br />

odds with the health of the human family. Efficiency is sacrificed for love of<br />

neighbor and stranger. Harvesters must slow down their work to make certain<br />

the gatherers at the edge have time to pick up the crumbs. Today that might<br />

mean the drivers of garbage trucks would wait until hungry people finished<br />

going through the dumpster before upending the steel coffins holding the<br />

corpses of our corpulence.<br />

The Festival of Shelters, rooted in memory, and inclusive of everyone in the<br />

community, is a fete with poor and hungry humans whose very existence indicts<br />

us because creation is good and there is enough for everyone.<br />

Rest: woefully needed in our land is rest. We drive, push, produce, achieve,<br />

make it, come, survive, win, but we cannot rest. Why Workaholism is idolatry.<br />

Rest, that Sabbath which is the completion of the harvest and even creation itself,<br />

is the mark of trust and fidelity rooted in a biblical way of life. Neither

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