Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association


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12/02/2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY LAW REPORTER Vol. 147, No. 48<br />

TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Han K. Oh, by Deed from David Connolly, dated 06/20/2003,<br />

recorded 06/26/2003 in Book 5461, Page 2399.<br />

Parcel Number: 54-00-13103-18-1.<br />

Location of property: 1418 Patrick Court, Maple Glen, PA 19002-3144.<br />

The improvements thereon are: Residential property.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of Han K. Oh at the suit of BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P.,<br />

f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Debt: $257,388.95.<br />

Francis S. Hallinan, Attorney. I.D. #62695<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

09-04746<br />

ALL THAT CERTAIN messuage and three lots or pieces of land, situate in Limerick Township,<br />

<strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong> and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described, as follows, to wit:<br />

No. 1, being Lot No. 13 in a plan of lots, as laid out by Henry G. March in August, 1878, beginning at a stake or stone<br />

planted for a corner in the road leading from Schantz’s Old Schuylkill Ford Road to Limerick Station; thence along the same<br />

(middle) of said road, North seventy-five and one-half degrees, East fifty feet to a stake set for a corner of Lot No. 14<br />

conveyed to William R. Beans; thence South fourteen and one-quarter degrees, East three hundred fifty-three feet to a stake<br />

or a stone set for a corner; thence by land now or late of Abalom Richardson, South seventy-five and one-half degrees,<br />

West fifty feet to a stake or stone planted for a corner; thence by Lot No. 12, North fourteen and one-quarter degrees,<br />

West three hundred fifty-three feet to the place of beginning.<br />

CONTAINING seventeen thousand, six hundred fifty square feet of land, more or less.<br />

No. 2, beginning at a stake or stone planted for a corner in the road, leading from Schantz’s Old Schuylkill Ford Road<br />

to Limerick Station; thence along the middle of said road, seventy-five and one-half degrees, East thirty-three and<br />

one-third feet to a stone planted for a corner; thence by another lot now or late of Milton Shaner, South fourteen and<br />

one-quarter degrees, East three hundred fifty-three feet to a stake or stone planted for a corner; thence by land<br />

now or late of Theodore Koons, South seventy-five and one-half degrees, West thirty-three and one-third feet<br />

to a stake or stone planted for a corner; thence by Lot No. 13, North fourteen and one-quarter degrees,<br />

West three hundred fifty-three feet to the place of beginning.<br />

CONTAINING eleven thousand, seven hundred sixty-six and two thirds square feet of land, more or less.<br />

No. 3, beginning at a stake in the middle of a public road, leading from Schantz’s Old Schuylkill Ford Road to Linfield,<br />

a corner of this and other land of said B. Frank Deery; thence along the same, South fourteen and one quarter degrees,<br />

East 353 feet to a post, a corner in the line of Theodore Koons’ land; thence along land of Theodore Koons,<br />

South seventy-five and one-half degrees, West thirty-five feet to an iron pin, a corner of this and other land<br />

now or late of John W. Ash; thence along the same, North fourteen and one-quarter degrees, West 353 feet to<br />

an iron pin, a corner in the middle of the aforesaid road leading to Linfield; thence along the middle of said road,<br />

North seventy-five and one-half degrees, East thirty-five feet to the place of beginning.<br />

CONTAINING twelve thousand, three hundred fifty-five square feet of land, more or less.<br />

SUBJECT, nevertheless, to the reservations and uses of certain twenty foot wide alleys, as fully set forth and<br />

described along the chain of title.<br />

TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN Andrew F. Smokowicz and Patricia Cassidy Smokowicz, h/w,<br />

by Deed from Andrew F. Smokowicz, dated 12/23/1992, recorded 03/31/1993 in Book 5037, Page 817.<br />

Parcel Number: 37-00-00580-00-4.<br />

Location of property: 27 Church Road, Linfield, PA 19468-1033.<br />

The improvements thereon are: Residential property.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of Patricia Cassidy Smokowicz and Andrew F. Smokowicz at the<br />

suit of U.S. Bank National <strong>Association</strong>, as Trustee for Sasco 2007-WF1. Debt: $290,966.52.<br />

Andrew C. Bramblett, Attorney. I.D. #208375<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

09-08960<br />

PREMISES “A”<br />

Premises No. 1:<br />

ALL THOSE CERTAIN four town lots, with the messuage or tenement thereon erected, being Lots Numbered 269,<br />

270, 271 and 272, in a plan of lots laid out by George Bullock, situate in West Conshohocken Borough,<br />

<strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong> and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described, as follows, to wit:<br />

BEGINNING at a stake on the Northeasterly side of Moir Avenue and a corner of Lot No. 273, sold to George W. Davis;<br />

thence by side of said Lot No. 273, Northeastwardly 130 feet to a stake on the Southwesterly side of Maria Street;<br />

thence by the Southwesterly margin of said Maria Street, Southeastwardly 115.3 feet to a stake on an old line<br />

dividing the properties of the said George Bullock and J. <strong>Bar</strong>low Moorehead, deceased; thence by and along said<br />

old line, South 81 degrees, 46 minutes West, 137.5 feet to a stone on the Northeasterly side of Moir Avenue;<br />

thence by said side of said Moir Avenue, North 27 degrees, 10 minutes West, 66.3 feet to the place of beginning.<br />

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Copyright © <strong>Montgomery</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> 2010

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