Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association


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12/02/2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY LAW REPORTER Vol. 147, No. 48<br />

7 inches to a stake in the said side of said alley, a corner of these premises now or late of J. Frank Yocum;<br />

thence along the aforesaid premises now or late of said J. Frank Yocum, the line passing through the center or middle of<br />

the partition wall between the dwelling house thereon on these premises and dwelling house erected on the said premises<br />

now or late of the said J. Frank Yocum, Northeastwardly 111 feet, 5 inches to a point in the said side of Airy Street, a corner;<br />

and thence along the said side of Airy Street, Northwestwardly 21 feet, 6 inches to the stake or point or place of beginning.<br />

BEING the same premises which Douglas W. Purnton by Deed dated 11/15/2001 and recorded 12/11/2001 in<br />

<strong>Montgomery</strong> <strong>County</strong> in Deed Book 5388, Page 1403 conveyed unto Harry Scott and Robert Perry, in fee.<br />

TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN David S. Stein and Kimberly Stein, husband and wife, as Tenants<br />

by the Entireties by Deed from Robert Perry and Harry Scott, dated 2/7/06 recorded 2/17/06 in Deed Book 5590,<br />

Page 2352.<br />

Parcel Number: 13-00-00748-00-4.<br />

Location of property: 418 West Airy Street, Norristown, PA 19401.<br />

The improvements thereon are: Residential property.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of David S. Stein and Kimberly Stein at the suit of PNC Mortgage,<br />

a Division of PNC Bank, N.A. Debt: $118,493.43.<br />

Lorraine Doyle, Attorney.<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

10-21947<br />

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of land with the dwelling thereon erected, being 157 West 7th Avenue,<br />

situate in Conshohocken Borough, <strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong> and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described,<br />

as follows, to wit:<br />

BEGINNING at a stake on the Southwesterly side of Seventh Avenue (at the distance of 67.7 feet Southwesterly from<br />

the Southerly corner of Seventh Avenue and Maple Street); thence along the Southwesterly side of said Seventh Avenue<br />

Southeasterly 13 feet to a point a corner of this and other land of the said Herman Kleinman; thence along said<br />

Kleinman’s land and through the middle of the partition wall between the house on this property end the one on<br />

the adjoining premises Southwesterly 140 feet to the Northeasterly side of a 20 feet wide alley laid out for the use<br />

of the lots in common bounding thereon; thence along said alley Northwesterly 13 feet to the corner of lot sold to<br />

Ernest Remp, et ux; thence by and along said land Northeasterly and through the middle of the partition wall of the house<br />

on this property and the one on the adjoining premises 140 feet to Seventh Avenue aforesaid, the place of beginning.<br />

TITLE TO SAID PREMISES IS VESTED IN John V. Mailey and Anne M. Mailey, husband and wife,<br />

as Tenants by the Entireties by Deed from Anne M. Mailey, formerly known as Anne M. Hallman dated 12/26/1997,<br />

recorded 2/11/1998 in Deed Book 5216, Page 298.<br />

Parcel Number: 05-00-08208-00-4.<br />

Location of property: 157 West 7th Avenue, Conshohocken, PA 19428.<br />

The improvements thereon are: Residential dwelling.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of John V. Mailey and Anne M. Mailey at the suit of<br />

PNC Mortgage, a Division of PNC Bank, N.A. Debt: $68,790.87.<br />

Alan M. Minato, Attorney.<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

10-22063<br />

ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or parcel of land and premises, situate in Upper Dublin Township, in the<br />

<strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong> and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit:<br />

BEGINNING at a point in the Northeasterly line of Schiavone Lane (40 feet wide) distance of 353.04 feet<br />

Southeastwardly from the Southeasterly end of the curve connecting the Northeasterly line of Schiavone Lane<br />

with the Southeasterly curved line of Farm Lane (50 feet wide) said connecting curve having a radius of 10 feet,<br />

said beginning point also being in the division line between Lots 3 and 4 as shown on plan hereinafter mentioned;<br />

thence South 51 degrees, 05 minutes, 30 seconds East, along the Northeasterly line of Schiavone Lane, 65.58 feet<br />

to a point in the division line between Lots 4 and 5 on plan hereinafter mentioned; thence North 38 degrees, 11 minutes,<br />

30 seconds East along the last mentioned division line and through the middle line of party wall between premises herein<br />

described and premises adjoining on the Southeast, 112.48 feet to a point in line of lands now or formerly of Nora Scafida;<br />

thence North 51 degrees, 05 minutes, 30 seconds West, along line of lands now or formerly of Nora Scafida, 64.17 feet<br />

to a point in the division line between Lots 3 and 4 on said plan; thence South 38 degrees, 54 minutes, 30 seconds West,<br />

along said division line, 112.47 feet to the place of beginning.<br />

BEING the same premises which Paul R. Blair, by Deed dated 8/11/95 and recorded 8/14/95 in Book 5121, Page 1850,<br />

granted and conveyed unto Arlene Taylor.<br />

Parcel Number: 54-00-13921-00-2.<br />

Location of property: 4 Schiavone Drive, Ambler, PA 19002.<br />

The improvements thereon are: A single family residential dwelling.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of Arlene Taylor at the suit of Citimortgage, Inc. Debt: $132,898.06.<br />

Kristina Murtha, Attorney.<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

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Copyright © <strong>Montgomery</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> 2010

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