Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association

Montgomery County Law Reporter - Montgomery Bar Association


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12/02/2010 MONTGOMERY COUNTY LAW REPORTER Vol. 147, No. 48<br />

AND the Grantor represents and warrants to the said Grantee(s) that the said Grantor has complied with the provisions<br />

of Section 3410 (b) of the said Pennsylvania Uniform Condominium Act.<br />

THE Grantee, for and on behalf of the Grantee and the Grantee’s heirs, personal representatives, successors and<br />

assigns, by the acceptance of this Deed, covenants and agrees to pay such charges for maintenance of, repairs to,<br />

replacement of and other expenses in connection with the common elements, and any limited common elements<br />

appurtenant to said unit, as may be assessed against him, them or said unit, from time to time by the Executive Board<br />

of the Meadows Condominium <strong>Association</strong> in accordance with the Uniform Condominium Act of Pennsylvania, and<br />

further covenants and agrees that the unit conveyed by this Deed shall be subject to a lien for all amounts so assessed<br />

except in so far as Section 3407(c) of said Uniform Condominium Act or the Declaration may relieve a subsequent<br />

unit owner of liability for prior unpaid assessments. This covenant shall run with and bind the unit hereby conveyed<br />

and all subsequent owners thereof.<br />

BEING the same premises which Robert Basile by Deed dated August 29, 1985 and recorded September 4, 1985<br />

in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for <strong>Montgomery</strong> <strong>County</strong> in Deed Book 4777, Page 1022,<br />

granted and conveyed unto Kenneth A. Beatty and Loretta M. Beatty, his wife, in fee.<br />

Parcel Number: 61-00-01660-16-9.<br />

Location of property: 506 Meadowview Lane, a/k/a 506 Meadowview Lane, Unit 506, Mont Clare, PA 19453.<br />

The improvements thereon are: Residential real estate.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of Loretta M. Beatty and Kenneth A. Beatty at the suit of<br />

Beneficial Consumer Discount Company, d/b/a Beneficial Mortgage Company of Pennsylvania. Debt: $166,615.89.<br />

Steven K. Eisenberg, Attorney.<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

10-21767<br />

ALL THAT CERTAIN tract of land, situate in East Greenville Borough, <strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong>,<br />

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 132 as shown on Plan of “Colonial Village” made for<br />

Axelrod Construction Company by Urwiler and Walter, Inc. dated February 26, 1974, last revised March 26, 1988,<br />

being bounded and described, as follows, to wit:<br />

BEGINNING at a point on the Southwesterly side line of Blaker Drive (82 feet wide), said point being located<br />

North 24 degrees, 6 minutes, 10 seconds West, 277.50 feet from the intersection of said side line with the<br />

Northwesterly sideline of Hamilton Road (82 feet wide); thence extending along Lot No. 133, crossing a<br />

20 feet wide sanitary sewer easement South 65 degrees, 53 minutes, 50 seconds West, 101.50 feet to a point in line of<br />

Lot No. 156; thence extending along said lot North 24 degrees, 6 minutes, 10 seconds West, 20 feet to a point in line of<br />

Lot No. 131; thence extending along said lot, re-crossing the aforementioned 20 feet wide sanitary sewer easement<br />

North 65 degrees, 53 minutes, 50 seconds East, 101.50 feet to a point on the aforementioned side line of Blaker Drive;<br />

thence extending along said side line South 24 degrees, 6 minutes, 10 seconds East, 20 feet to a point and place of beginning.<br />

CONTAINING 2,030 square feet of land more or less.<br />

RESERVING unto the grantor a 20 foot wide easement for utilities through the rear of Lot No. 132 for the purpose of laying,<br />

relocating and maintaining sewer and water lines for utilities for purposes of providing public services to the premises in<br />

common with other lot owners in the development; as per Plan of Colonial Village, made for Axelrod Construction Company<br />

by Urwiler and Walter, Inc., Sumneytown, Pennsylvania, dated February 26, 1974; and it is intended that the lines<br />

shall be transferred and set over unto the municipal authority for municipal purposes.<br />

UNDER AND SUBJECT to the following restrictive covenant which will run with the land and bind all of the<br />

owners of the subdivision as follows: “Electric service will be supplied only from the underground distribution system<br />

in accordance with the current Pennsylvania Power and Light Company tariff provisions.”<br />

BEING the same premises which Kittie Swimley, by Deed dated 10/23/04 and recorded 11/22/04 in Book 5533,<br />

Page 2819, granted and conveyed unto Richard P. Gilliland.<br />

Parcel Number: 06-00-00140-00-7.<br />

Location of property: 424 Blaker Drive, East Greenville, PA 18041.<br />

The improvements thereon are: A single family residential dwelling.<br />

Seized and taken in execution as the property of Richard P. Gilliland at the suit of BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P.,<br />

f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, L.P. Debt: $124,952.32.<br />

David Fein, Attorney. I.D. #82628<br />

Above Property to be sold by ALFRED J. RICCI, ACTING SHERIFF.<br />

DOWN MONEY: A deposit of ten (10%) percent of the Price Bid or $3,000. dollars whichever amount is greater,<br />

shall be required to be paid in cash or by certified check to the Sheriff as down money on each property purchased.<br />

10-21944<br />

ALL THAT CERTAIN brick dwelling house, messuage or tenement and lot, tract or piece of land or ground,<br />

situate in Norristown Borough, <strong>County</strong> of <strong>Montgomery</strong> and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania., being premises<br />

generally known as and commonly called No. 418 West Airy Street, bounded and described, as follows, to wit:<br />

BEGINNING at a stake in the Southwest side of the aforesaid Airy Street at the distance of 41 feet, 6 inches Southeasterly<br />

from the Southeast side of Chain Street, a corner of these premises and premises now or late of Theodora Yocum;<br />

thence at right angles to the aforesaid side of said Airy Street Southwestwardly 109 feet, 6 inches to a point in the<br />

Northeast side of an alley laid out 20 feet wide, a corner; thence along the aforesaid side of said alley Southeastwardly 21 feet,<br />

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Copyright © <strong>Montgomery</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Association</strong> 2010

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