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Order Form - FENOMEC

Order Form - FENOMEC


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Given any convex function U let F be a corresponding entropy flux (Example 1.9).<br />

Multiplying (4.1) by U ′ (u) we obtain the entropy balance<br />

∂ t U(u)+∂ x F (u) =εU(u) xx − εU ′′ (u) u 2 x,<br />

which, formally as ε → 0, leads to infinitely many entropy inequalities<br />

∂ t U(u)+∂ x F (u) ≤ 0.<br />

□<br />

Example 4.2. Conservation law with cubic flux revisited. The equation in Example<br />

1.5 may be augmented with diffusive and dispersive terms, as follows<br />

∂ t u + ∂ x u 3 = εu xx + δu xxx . (4.2)<br />

where ε>0andδ ∈ I R. Using the quadratic entropy U(u) =u 2 we obtain<br />

∂ t u 2 (3 u 4 ) (<br />

+ ∂ x = ε u<br />

2 )<br />

2<br />

xx − 2εu2 x + δ ( 2 uu xx − u 2 x)<br />

x<br />

= ε ( u 2) xx − 2εu2 x + δ ( (u 2 ) xx − 3 u 2 )<br />

x<br />

which, in the limit ε, δ → 0, yields the single entropy inequality<br />

∂ t u 2 3 u 4<br />

+ ∂ x ≤ 0. (4.3)<br />

2<br />

We will see later on (Theorem III-2.4 in Chapter III) that for solutions generated by<br />

(4.2) the entropy inequality (3.8) does not hold for arbitrary entropies ! □<br />

Example 4.3. Diffusive-dispersive conservation laws. Consider next the model<br />

∂ t u + ∂ x f(u) =ε ( b(u) u x<br />

)x + δ (c 1(u)(c 2 (u) u x ) x ) x<br />

, (4.4)<br />

where b(u) > 0 is a diffusion coefficient and c 1 (u),c 2 (u) > 0 are dispersion coefficients.<br />

Let (U ∗ ,F ∗ ) a (strictly convex) entropy pair satisfying<br />

U ∗ ′′ (u) = c 2(u)<br />

c 1 (u) , u ∈ I R.<br />

(U ∗ is unique up to a linear function of u.) Interestingly, the last term in the righthand<br />

side of (4.4) takes a simpler form in this entropy variable û = U ∗(u), ′ indeed<br />

δ (c 1 (u)(c 2 (u) u x ) x ) x<br />

= δ (c 1 (u)(c 1 (u)û x ) x ) x<br />

.<br />

Any solution of (4.4) satisfies<br />

∂ t U ∗ (u)+∂ x F ∗ (u) =ε (b(u) U ∗(u) ′ u x ) x<br />

− εb(u) U ∗ ′′ (u) |u x | 2<br />

+ δ ( c 1 (u)û (c 1 (u)û x ) x −|c 2 (u) u x | 2 /2 ) x .<br />

In the right-hand side above, the contribution due to the diffusion decomposes into a<br />

conservative term and a non-positive (dissipative) one. The dispersive term is entirely<br />

conservative. In the formal limit ε, δ → 0 any limiting function satisfies the single<br />

entropy inequality<br />

∂ t U ∗ (u)+∂ x F ∗ (u) ≤ 0.<br />

□<br />


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