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Order Form - FENOMEC


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To show the first two statements in (3.2), note that the differentials of the functions<br />

E(u − ,u + )anda(u − ,u + ) are closely related. Indeed, a calculation based on<br />

differentiating (1.8) and (3.1) with respect to u + yields<br />

∂ u+ E(u − ,u + )=b(u − ,u + ) ∂ u+ a(u − ,u + ),<br />

b(u − ,u + ):=U(u − ) − U(u + ) − U ′ (u + )(u − − u + ) > 0<br />

for u − ≠ u + and<br />

∂ u+ a(u − ,u + )= f ′ (u + ) − a(u − ,u + )<br />

. (3.8)<br />

u + − u −<br />

In view of (3.8) and (2.5) it is clear that<br />

∂ u+ a(u − ,u + ) < 0, u + 0, u + >ϕ ♮ (u − ).<br />

This leads us to the conclusions listed in (3.2). Then, in view of (3.2) there exists<br />

ϕ ♭ 0(u − ) satisfying E(u − ,ϕ ♭ 0(u − )) = 0.<br />

By definition, for any u ≠0<br />

E ( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) =0,<br />

u ≠ ϕ ♭ 0(u)<br />

and, since a similar result as (3.2) holds for negative left-hand side,<br />

E ( ϕ ♭ 0(u),ϕ ♭ 0(ϕ ♭ 0(u)) ) =0,<br />

ϕ ♭ 0(u) ≠ ϕ ♭ 0(ϕ ♭ 0(u)).<br />

Thus, (3.4) follows from the fact that the entropy dissipation has a single “non-trivial”<br />

zero and from the symmetry property<br />

E ( ϕ ♭ 0(u),u ) = −E ( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) =0.<br />

Finally, by the implicit function theorem it is clear that the function ϕ ♭ 0 is smooth,<br />

at least away from u = 0. (The regularity at u = 0 is discussed in Remark 4.4 below.)<br />

Using again the symmetry property E(u − ,u + )=−E(u + ,u − )wehave<br />

(<br />

∂u− E )( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) = − ( ∂ u+ E )( ϕ ♭ 0(u),u ) . (3.9)<br />

Thus, differentiating the identity E ( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) = 0 we obtain<br />

(<br />

dϕ ♭ 0<br />

du (u) =− ∂u− E )( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) (<br />

(<br />

∂u+ E )( u, ϕ ♭ 0 (u)) = ∂u+ E )( ϕ ♭ 0(u),u )<br />

(<br />

∂u+ E )( u, ϕ ♭ 0 (u)),<br />

where we used (3.9). For u>0 we have already established (see (3.2)) that<br />

(<br />

∂u+ E )( u, ϕ ♭ 0(u) ) < 0,<br />

and since a similar result as (3.2) holds for negative left-hand side and that we have<br />

(ϕ ♭ 0 ◦ ϕ ♭ 0)(u) =u, we conclude that<br />

(<br />

∂u+ E )( ϕ ♭ 0(u),u ) > 0<br />

and therefore dϕ ♭ 0/du < 0.<br />

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