Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries

Revelation 20 - In Depth Bible Commentaries


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2363 2364 2365 2366<br />

underworld were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of<br />

2367 2368<br />

fire. <strong>20</strong>.15 And if anyone was not found having been written in the scroll of the life, that<br />

2363<br />

Compare Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 15:26, "The last enemy to be destroyed<br />

is death." <strong>In</strong> verses 54-55 he states, "...Then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death<br />

has been swallowed up in victory.' 'Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your<br />

sting?'" Paul is quoting Isaiah 25:8 and Hosea 13:14.<br />

Aune comments that “The suggestion that death and hades...could share the fate of the<br />

enemies of God (19:<strong>20</strong>; <strong>20</strong>:10) seems problematic [again, we see no problem, since we expect<br />

such puzzling, enigmatic elements in biblical prophecy]. There are at least two ways of<br />

understanding ths significance of this statement: (1) It could simply be a way of referring to<br />

the [final] elimination of death (compare <strong>Revelation</strong> 21:4; 1 Corinthians 15:26). (2) More<br />

probably, however, ‘death and hades’ here stand for all the unrighteous dead in accord with<br />

verse 15, where it is stated that all whose names were not found in the book of life were cast<br />

into the lake of fire.” (P. 1103)<br />

2364<br />

Immediately before the demonstrative pronoun ïôïò, houtos, “this,” the conjunction<br />

kai, kai, “and,” is interpolated into the text by Sinaiticus. We have seen this copyist shortening<br />

the text on many occasions; here he lengthens the text. The interpolation does not change<br />

the meaning of <strong>Revelation</strong>.<br />

2365<br />

Aune comments that “Explanatory remarks made within the context of visions regularly<br />

make use of the present tense.” (P. 1076)<br />

2366<br />

The phrase èÜíáôïò äåýôåñüò, thanatos ho deuteros, literally “death, the second<br />

one,” is changed to read äåýôåñüò èÜíáôïò, “second death,” by Sinaiticus, Minuscule 1611<br />

(see), and a few other Greek manuscripts. This is simply another way of saying the same<br />

thing, but again, slightly reduces the number of words found in the text. It does not change the<br />

meaning of <strong>Revelation</strong>.<br />

2367<br />

The entire sentence, ïôïò èÜíáôïò äåýôåñüò óôéí, ëßìíç ôï ðõñüò, houtos<br />

ho thanatos ho deuteros estin, he limne tou puros, literally “This, the death, the second<br />

one, is–the lake of the fire,” is omitted by Uncial Manuscript 051, Minuscule <strong>20</strong>53 (the text),<br />

<strong>20</strong>62 (the text), the “Majority Text” (A), the Old Latin Manuscripts a, sin, the Bohairic Coptic,<br />

and Augustine (who died 430 A.D.). We think this is another example of the eye of the copyist<br />

skipping from the first occurrence of ðõñüò, puros to its second occurrence, and as a<br />

result, leaving out the intervening words.<br />

Aune comments that “This sentence is...problematic, for how can death and hades<br />

experience the second death when they have not experienced the first (i.e., physical) death?”<br />

(P. 1103; compare footnote 2363). Once again, we think that such a question can only be<br />

asked by those expecting clear, logically consistent statements in prophetic visions. There is<br />

(continued...)<br />


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