Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care

Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care

Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care


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330 Couquiaudon soil conditions. After the membrane is put <strong>in</strong>place, another layer <strong>of</strong> sand is placed over themembrane. It needs to be at least 50 cm thick.If the sand bed is less than 50 cm, the dolph<strong>in</strong>smay expose the membrane by their forag<strong>in</strong>g andtail movements. Anaerobic bacterial activity willdevelop <strong>in</strong> the sand and stabilise; this shouldnot create problems provid<strong>in</strong>g the turnover <strong>of</strong>the water is appropriate. Metal ions <strong>in</strong> the watermight give the sandy substrate a brownish colour.Metal ion composition <strong>of</strong> the groundwater at thesite location will be <strong>in</strong>vestigated to ensure thatit is safe for the animals. There is a potentialdanger <strong>of</strong> impurities leak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the system, butif the turnover rate <strong>of</strong> the water is good, it can beavoided. A second membrane layer above a thicklayer <strong>of</strong> several meters <strong>of</strong> sand can be added tocreate a buffer zone and guarantee watertightnesswhen impermeable membrane is preferred.• The perimeter <strong>of</strong> the recreated lagoon can beeither left sandy with the membrane sealedunderneath on a concrete beam or l<strong>in</strong>ed with athick layer <strong>of</strong> stones, preferably hand-placed onthe upper surface <strong>of</strong> the <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed batter and downto approximately two-thirds <strong>of</strong> the lagoon’sdepth. Some portions can slope gently to form asandy beach. Boulders also can be added. Sumpgrates should be placed at a higher level thanthe bottom, and their perimeter should be l<strong>in</strong>edwith stones or concrete to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the membrane<strong>in</strong> place around them.• Bank stability may also be a problem accord<strong>in</strong>gto the nature <strong>of</strong> the substrate. The geotechnicalqualities <strong>of</strong> each site must be assessed beforethis type <strong>of</strong> environment can be designed orconstructed.• On a rocky substrate, a membrane might berequired if the rock is not solid and uniform,or if it is mixed with soil. Lava rock makes anexcellent lagoon substrate and acts as an efficientnatural filter. Granite also makes a goodnatural substrate that can provide a dramaticunderwater landscape.The primary advantage <strong>of</strong> this type <strong>of</strong> environmentis that it <strong>of</strong>fers a more natural habitat withgreater possibilities for the animals to <strong>in</strong>teractwith their environment because mar<strong>in</strong>e organismssuch as fish, crustaceans and shrimps can thrive,provided the life support system (LSS) allows it. Itcan be much larger than concrete pools and <strong>of</strong>fersa wide variety <strong>of</strong> shapes and topography. It also iseasier to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> and clean because algae are part<strong>of</strong> the environment and do not need to be removedfrequently. It is cost-effective compared to concretepools for construction and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance.Artificial Environment – Concrete pools havebeen used to house dolph<strong>in</strong>s s<strong>in</strong>ce the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g<strong>of</strong> modern oceanaria. Facilities have reportedFigure 5.9. Semi-natural show lagoonFigure 5.10. Semi-natural lagoonFigure 5.11. Semi-natural lagoonseveral problems related to concrete foundationsand have proposed recommendations for adequateconstruction and ma<strong>in</strong>tenance:• The structure <strong>of</strong> the pool will be designed toresist changes <strong>in</strong> pressure when the pool isempty. This can be achieved by means <strong>of</strong> athick slab or multiple anchored ground piles.For budget constra<strong>in</strong>ts, this aspect <strong>of</strong>ten isneglected, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> concrete failure at thefirst attempt to empty the pool.• Concrete pools with geometrical shapesand regular surfaces are built traditionallyus<strong>in</strong>g formwork. To create free shapes and

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