Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care

Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care

Special Issue Survey of Cetaceans in Captive Care


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358 CouquiaudActivated Carbon—Activated carbon isamong the most effective materials for the physicalabsorption <strong>of</strong> organic carbon (Spotte, 1991).They are classified <strong>in</strong> the paragraph on mechanicalfiltration because they function on a physicalpr<strong>in</strong>ciple <strong>of</strong> absorption. These filters are made <strong>of</strong>absorbents manufactured from a number <strong>of</strong> carbonbasedmaterials. They typically have a 0.5 to 1 µmfiltration capability, mak<strong>in</strong>g it helpful for particulatefiltration. Activated carbon commonly is usedfor dechlor<strong>in</strong>ation, for reduc<strong>in</strong>g soluble materialssuch as Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)—chloram<strong>in</strong>esissued from chlor<strong>in</strong>ation—and to preventthe accumulation <strong>of</strong> total organic carbon (TOC)precursors <strong>of</strong> trihalomethanes (THM; mutagenicand carc<strong>in</strong>ogenic compounds present as traceconcentrations <strong>in</strong> chlor<strong>in</strong>ated water and ozonatedseawater) <strong>in</strong> closed systems (Anonymous, 1999;Spotte, 1991). It can be <strong>in</strong>stalled on a side-streamafter mechanical filtration <strong>in</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation withvarious oxidation systems. Activated carbon doesnot have a long life span and is quite expensive tochange. The disposed material has to be treated ashazardous waste (Spotte, 1991).Chemical PurificationRidgway (1972) calculated that a dolph<strong>in</strong>, weigh<strong>in</strong>g136 kg and eat<strong>in</strong>g 6.6 kg <strong>of</strong> fish, passes over4 l <strong>of</strong> ur<strong>in</strong>e and 1.4 kg <strong>of</strong> faeces per day. Themajority <strong>of</strong> this waste matter is soluble, and highlevels <strong>of</strong> organic nitrogen make a very good culturemedium for bacterial and fungal growth. Itis important to remove these matters by elim<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>gthe water through an open circuit or throughthe use <strong>of</strong> oxidation <strong>in</strong> a closed system (Manton,1986). Chemical reactions also are related to temperature.The development <strong>of</strong> bacteria is acceleratedby high temperature.The objective <strong>of</strong> water sterilisation is to placethe agent <strong>in</strong> contact with microorganisms by themost efficient means. Two methods are used:(1) po<strong>in</strong>t-contact sterilisation (e.g., ozonation,UV irradiation) or (2) bulk-fluid (e.g., chlor<strong>in</strong>ation)(Spotte, 1991). Chemical purification also<strong>in</strong>cludes catalysts such as copper and silver. Themost widely distributed systems used are chlor<strong>in</strong>ationand ozonation. Chlor<strong>in</strong>ation still is used bya majority <strong>of</strong> facilities, but ozonation has becomequite popular. Chlor<strong>in</strong>ation as a s<strong>in</strong>gle choice is<strong>in</strong> decl<strong>in</strong>e.Silver and Copper Catalysts—Metal ions, suchas silver and copper, used <strong>in</strong> conjunction withchlor<strong>in</strong>ation, are efficient for ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g goodwater clarity, remov<strong>in</strong>g bacteria, and control<strong>in</strong>galgae; however, copper toxicity has been reported<strong>in</strong> mar<strong>in</strong>e mammals (Boness, 1996; McDevitt,1986) and copper might accumulate <strong>in</strong> the liver(Ford, 1997). Its use will therefore be avoided.Chlor<strong>in</strong>ation—Chlor<strong>in</strong>e is one <strong>of</strong> the mostpopular chemical agents used for the elim<strong>in</strong>ation<strong>of</strong> microorganisms and algae (Faulk, 1990); however,it is a difficult process and can give rise to anumber <strong>of</strong> problems (Boness, 1996; van der Toorn,1987). Injudicious use <strong>of</strong> such chemicals canbe more life-threaten<strong>in</strong>g than the organisms andexcreta they control (Geraci, 1986). As opposed toozone, chlor<strong>in</strong>e generally is used as an oxidis<strong>in</strong>gagent <strong>in</strong> the bulk-fluid and has a prolonged time<strong>of</strong> action. Chlor<strong>in</strong>e-based products are <strong>in</strong>expensive,possess strong antimicrobial properties, andare easy to store and <strong>in</strong>ject; however, they presentimportant disadvantages <strong>in</strong> that they form productswith lower oxidation potential—the chloram<strong>in</strong>es—aswell as mutagenic and carc<strong>in</strong>ogenicbyproducts (Spotte, 1991). Therefore, byproducts<strong>of</strong> the transformed chlor<strong>in</strong>e are hazardous if notremoved by chemical processes or frequent waterrenewal.Chlor<strong>in</strong>e is available as liquified gas (under pressureand referred to as liquid chlor<strong>in</strong>e) and as solutions<strong>of</strong> chlor<strong>in</strong>e compounds such as sodium hypochlorite(Manton, 1986); however, as Geraci (1986)stated, chlor<strong>in</strong>e as sodium hypochlorite is perhapsthe most commonly misused chemical treatment.When chlor<strong>in</strong>e gas (Cl2) or sodium hypochloriteis mixed with water, it is transformed <strong>in</strong>tohypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is an excellentoxidiser (Faulk, 1990; Manton, 1986; Spotte,1991). For optimal oxidation, pH has to be ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>edbetween 7.5 and 7.6. At higher pH levels,the concentration <strong>of</strong> hypochlorous acid, the activeagent, will drop, therefore reduc<strong>in</strong>g its sterilisationcapacities. Hypochlorous acid is highly unstable,however, as it breaks down with sunlight (Faulk1990). Free chlor<strong>in</strong>e is the amount <strong>of</strong> hypochlorousacid and hypochlorite ions (OCl-) free andavailable to react. Hypochlorous acid reacts withammonia from ur<strong>in</strong>ary waste to form differentchloram<strong>in</strong>es (monochloram<strong>in</strong>e and subsequentlydichloram<strong>in</strong>e and nitrogen trichloride). They persistlonger than free chlor<strong>in</strong>e, but they possesslower oxidis<strong>in</strong>g potential (Spotte, 1991).Pool water is tested <strong>in</strong> dolph<strong>in</strong>aria for free andtotal chlor<strong>in</strong>e. The survey showed that a safe rangeis below 0.2 ppm for free chlor<strong>in</strong>e and 0.5 ppmfor total chlor<strong>in</strong>e (comb<strong>in</strong>ed residual chlor<strong>in</strong>e).Saltwater test kits for chlor<strong>in</strong>e and chloram<strong>in</strong>escan be used. Most <strong>of</strong> them give free and totalchlor<strong>in</strong>e read<strong>in</strong>gs. Faulk (1990) recommends todel<strong>in</strong>eate chloram<strong>in</strong>es as well. <strong>Survey</strong>ed facilitiesperform these tests two to three times per day.Chlor<strong>in</strong>e is a good bactericide; however, manyprotozoans, yeasts, cysts, and viruses are resistant(Boness, 1996). Sk<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fections are quite common <strong>in</strong>chlor<strong>in</strong>ated water. It can be the result <strong>of</strong> the destruction<strong>of</strong> beneficial micr<strong>of</strong>lora and the <strong>in</strong>activation <strong>of</strong>

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