HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts

HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts

HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts


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Adhesive ‘colour changing’ bands24 adhesive plasters designed to let yourchild watch <strong>the</strong>ir cut heal by changingcolour back to natural skin tone.Adhesive ‘colour changing’ bands24 adhesive plasters designed to let yourchild watch <strong>the</strong>ir cut heal by changingcolour back to natural skin tone.®Adhesive ‘c24 adhesive pchild watchcolour bayear 1In Year 1, you will be exposed to <strong>the</strong> full breadth<strong>of</strong> graphic design skills and solutions. You willbe introduced to <strong>the</strong> range <strong>of</strong> differing techniquesthat you will go on to explore through <strong>the</strong> course.It is essential that students are flexible and diverselyskilled so that <strong>the</strong>y can communicate across a broadrange <strong>of</strong> media. The scope <strong>of</strong> topics you will exploreinclude: screen, print, interactive, web, typographicand <strong>the</strong>oretically based issues. Practical work <strong>of</strong>tencombines writing skills because graphic designusually involves, in one form or ano<strong>the</strong>r, imageworking in conjunction with text.year 2Year 2 focuses on <strong>the</strong> application <strong>of</strong> knowledgein different contexts. It is also about practicalitiesas it aims to provide you with a solid groundingin <strong>the</strong> knowledge and skills needed to take anincreasing responsibility for <strong>the</strong> management<strong>of</strong> COLOUR your STAGE OF own BRUISE learning.year 3Year 3 is concerned with identifying and extending<strong>the</strong> limits <strong>of</strong> your design knowledge. Final majorPINK PLASTERS: GIRLS AGED 4 - 7 BLUE PLASTERS: BOYS AGED 4 - 7projects are about your identity as an individualdesigner and you will be encouraged to view yourproject as a springboard into a career and to useit to open doors into industry.COLOURAIDCOLOUR STAGE OF BRUISECOLOUR STAGE OF BRUISEPINK PLASTERS: GIRLS AGED 4 - 7 BLUE PLASTERS: BOYS AGED 4 - 7PINK PLASTERS: GIRLS AGED 4 - 7BLUE PLASTERS: BOYS AGED 4 - 7Brief: Colour & PsychologyBrief: Colour & PsychologyAbove shows <strong>the</strong> branding, process and packaging <strong>of</strong> ‘Colouraid’, plasters for children (potentiallyages 4-7) that Above change shows colour. <strong>the</strong> The branding, child would process be able and to packaging watch <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>of</strong> wound ‘Colouraid’, heal as <strong>the</strong> plasters for changes children (potentiallyback to natural ages skin 4-7) tone, that indicating change colour. ‘ready to The remove’. child would be able to watch <strong>the</strong>ir wound heal as <strong>the</strong> plaster changesback to natural skin tone, indicating ‘ready to remove’.®COLOURAIDCOLOURAIDx24x24interVieWs and portFoliosAt interview we are looking forapplicants with motivation andwho have shown commitment in<strong>the</strong>ir previous studies. Portfoliosshould ideally contain drawing andphotography plus evidence <strong>of</strong> anunderstanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> design process.Academic performance is also veryimportant. We have an interest inpeople from a variety <strong>of</strong> differenteducational, social and culturalbackgrounds. A-level candidates arevery <strong>of</strong>ten recommended to possessa Foundation Diploma in addition to<strong>the</strong>ir A-level grades. This is becausethis course requires a high degree<strong>of</strong> skill, technical knowledge andconceptual understanding thatcannot always be demonstratedthrough A-level study.WHat We looK ForFirst and foremost you should bepassionate about using visual imageryin a compelling and original way. Youshould demonstrate an appreciation<strong>of</strong> visual and conceptual aspects <strong>of</strong>design and a desire to communicatevisually to your audience in a variety<strong>of</strong> styles and with a range <strong>of</strong> objectives.You should have proven skills in morethan one design discipline, whichmay include drawing, illustration,photography and typography. Yourmotivation and thirst for learning mustmatch up to <strong>the</strong> academic demands<strong>of</strong> this course.COLBrief: Colour & PsychologyAbove shows <strong>the</strong> branding, process and packaging <strong>of</strong> ‘Colouraid’, plasters for children (potentiallyages 4-7) that change colour. The child would be able to watch <strong>the</strong>ir wound heal as <strong>the</strong> plaster changesback to natural skin tone, indicating ‘ready to remove’.more inFormationA ‘Showcase’ has been designed togive you <strong>the</strong> opportunity to take acloser look at <strong>the</strong> facilities, studios,staff and tutors <strong>of</strong> this course, toge<strong>the</strong>rwith examples <strong>of</strong> current studentprojects, recent work placements,graduate career prospects, exhibitions,events and awards, links with industryand o<strong>the</strong>r interesting facts. There isalso fur<strong>the</strong>r information about entryqualifications and <strong>the</strong> potential cost<strong>of</strong> materials and visits.WWW.aucB.ac.uK/grapHicdesignsHoWcase

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