HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts

HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts

HE Directory 2012-2013 - Shock of the Arts


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year 1Year 1 provides an introduction to <strong>the</strong> fundamentalcreative, technical, visual and intellectual skills andknowledge that you will need to build a successfulcareer as a specialist maker in <strong>the</strong> creative industries.This is combined with an exploration <strong>of</strong> design ideas,critical thinking, visualisation skills and interpretation.Specialist demonstrations and practical studio andworkshop sessions are also undertaken (includingthose in special effects).year 2Year 2 builds on <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> skills andunderstanding started in Year 1 and encouragesstudents to develop as creative, intelligent makers.You will explore models as devices for explaining ideas,representation and interpretation <strong>of</strong> design and fur<strong>the</strong>ryour understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> demands <strong>of</strong> modelmakingin architecture, advertising, media production,exhibition, communication and interactive museumdesign. Within this year, pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice isintroduced, work experience is encouraged and <strong>the</strong>commercial design industry explored. Team workingis promoted through various projects, imitating <strong>the</strong>team ethos <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> commercial world.year 3Year 3 will see you undertaking more in-depth andcomplex studio projects and you will also carry outa major <strong>the</strong>oretical piece <strong>of</strong> research. You will beencouraged to carry out a ‘live’ or simulated project,working to a client-led brief which must succeed within<strong>the</strong> constraints and expectations <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> commercialworld. Your final major project is designed topromote your pr<strong>of</strong>essional intent, direction, creativity,individuality and strength in your specialist area. Youwill also learn about <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional practice aspects<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession and experience business practice.Year 3 traditionally culminates in a show in London<strong>of</strong>fering an opportunity to meet potential employers.interVieWs and portFoliosInterviews are an opportunity for you todemonstrate to us your self-motivationand commitment to your area <strong>of</strong> study.We will be particularly interested inexploring how you have responded to agiven brief from your school or college.We will expect to see written as well ascontextual work, with samples <strong>of</strong> threedimensional pieces you have produced(ideally <strong>the</strong> pieces <strong>the</strong>mselves or aphotographic record <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m). Wewould also like to see sketchbookswhich demonstrate thinking andcuriosity, and some observationaldrawing. If you can provide samples<strong>of</strong> work which you have producedoutside <strong>of</strong> your studies this will alsohelp reinforce your portfolio.WHat We looK ForThis course aims to develop highlyskilled, insightful and creativegraduates and students will need toshow creativity, passion andenthusiasm towards a modelmakingcareer. You should be able todemonstrate three dimensionalability, observational drawing skills,curiosity and problem-solving skills,<strong>the</strong>oretical understanding anda real interest in design.more inFormationA ‘Showcase’ has been designed togive you <strong>the</strong> opportunity to take acloser look at <strong>the</strong> facilities, studios,staff and tutors <strong>of</strong> this course, toge<strong>the</strong>rwith examples <strong>of</strong> current studentprojects, recent work placements,graduate career prospects, exhibitions,events and awards, links with industryand o<strong>the</strong>r interesting facts. There isalso fur<strong>the</strong>r information about entryqualifications and <strong>the</strong> potential cost<strong>of</strong> materials and visits.WWW.aucB.ac.uK/modelmaKingsHoWcase

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