Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

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<strong>Value</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Savings</strong>: How to Underwrite Sustainable PropertiesExhibit V-5GBFC Sustainable Property <strong>Cost</strong>-Benefit Checklist(continued)H. Increased Investor Demand1. Reduced capitalization and discountrates: higher values2. Reduced exit/take-out risk3. Increased FAR—zoning---densitybonuses4. Improved access to debt financingII. Potential <strong>Building</strong> <strong>Cost</strong>sA. Increased Development <strong>Cost</strong>s1. Certification, energy modeling, legal andcommissioning costs2. Higher cost specialized serviceproviders3. Higher cost products and systems4. Higher tenant improvement costs forgreen improvements5. Higher finance costs—more high costequity; increased construction interest6. Project delaysB. Increased Development Risk1. Construction risk (cost and delays)2. Legal/contractual risks3. Exit/take-out riskC. Decreased/Unchanged Space-UserDemand1. Excess investment cost relative tomarket demand2. Space user demand does not meetexpectations3. <strong>Building</strong> operating problemsD. Increased Operating <strong>Cost</strong>s1. Higher maintenance costs--training,manuals2. Vendor availability and pricing3. Product or systemfailure/underperformance4. More costly lease analysis andimplementation5. Higher real estate taxes6. <strong>Cost</strong>s of required additionalmonitoring/measurement7. Resource cost increasesE. <strong>Building</strong> Operating Problems/Capital<strong>Cost</strong>s1. Products underperform2. Service providers underperform3. New systems learning curve forengineering staff/maintenance staff/etc.4. New/different systems can reduceeconomies of scale for engineering stafffor a concentrated portfolio of similarassets5. Capacity/seasoning of serviceproviders/contractors6. Tenants do not cooperateF. Increased Cash Flow Risk1. Risk of rapid functional obsolescence2. Process underperformance3. Operating cost underperformance4. Revenue underperformance5. <strong>Value</strong>/sales price underperformanceG. Limited/No Increase in InvestorDemand1. Increase/no change in capitalization anddiscount rates2. Energy cost declines increase pay-backperiods, reduce value of sustainableinvestment3. Existing leases limit ability to pass coststo tenants--capture sufficient benefits tojustify costs4. Failure of appraisers/brokers to acceptvalue/enhanced performance112

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