Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

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<strong>Value</strong> <strong>Beyond</strong> <strong>Cost</strong> <strong>Savings</strong>: How to Underwrite Sustainable Propertiessignaling the growing interest of businesses that want to align their practices with theinitiatives in environmental, social, and governance principles.Approximately 7% of the 700-plus respondents in the annual survey of Global Compactparticipants indicated that they require Global Compact participation when selectingsuppliers. About a third said they extended their commitment to the Global Compact totheir subsidiaries. While these numbers are still small, they represent a significant andgrowing trend to extend the leadership of certain powerful companies on sustainabilityissues down through the supply chain.Space users with direct ties to sustainabilityThere are a growing number of tenants that have a direct tie to the sustainable propertybusiness: architects, engineers, consultants, contractors, lawyers, energy firms, productcompanies, etc. etc.There is increasing evidence of the growing size of the sustainable property market andcompanies with direct ties to the industry. For example, membership in the U.S. <strong>Green</strong><strong>Building</strong> Council has grown dramatically to nearly 19,000, with over 81,000 LEEDaccreditedprofessionals. 91“Friends of Sustainability”Demand from space users is also heightened by those individuals who want to “do theright thing,” independent of evidence of financial benefit. It is difficult to quantify the sizeof this marketplace, but service providers, builders, tenants and others that took on aleadership role without “proof”, initiated the green building industry.Demographics can play a key role here with younger people and people in certaingeographic locations more likely to be concerned about sustainability ideals independentof financial considerations.2. Space User Demand RisksAn independent assessment of the affect of sustainability on space user demand andproperty risk must consider potential negatives of sustainability related to space userdemand. These negatives include:• Excess investment relative to market demand;• Failure of space user demand to meet expectations;• <strong>Building</strong> operating problems.These issues are evaluated in detail in Expanded Chapter VI.91 U.S. <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Building</strong> Council, February 2009.175

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