Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

Value Beyond Cost Savings - Green Building Finance Consortium

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Appendix FSustainable Property Financial Analysis AlternativesAnalysis/Model Description/Commentary Key Links/Examplessyndrome, and organizational changes, i.e. staff movementfrom one location to another within an occupied space due topromotion or movement due to a new business environment.This will result in disruption to business activities and lostproductivity. These costs are estimated as a function of therate of movement of individuals in an organization within theoccupied space. This rate is particularly high during the earlyyears of occupancy when occupants are getting accustomedto their new working environment.101The critical point of total occupancy cost (cost of ownership)analysis is that space users make the decisions about the typeof space they need on reasons well beyond real estate costand/or sustainability or energy efficiency requirement. Asdiscussed in more detail in Chapter VI, the specificunderwriting/due diligence guidelines for space usersincorporate more than total occupancy cost, focusing initiallyon the relationship of the space to overall strategic goalcompliance including such issues as increasing the value oftheir assets, promoting marketing and sales, increasinginnovation, increasing employee satisfaction, increasingproductivity, increasing flexibility, and/or reducing costs. Othertools, such as the balance scorecard and other structuredprocesses for incorporating nonfinancial considerations areoften used in decision making.7. Economic <strong>Value</strong>AddedEconomic <strong>Value</strong> Added (EVA 102 ) is a financial performancemethod to calculate the true economic profit of a corporation.The basic formula for EVA is: EVA = NOPAT – (InvestedCapital x <strong>Cost</strong> of Capital)WhereNet Operating Profit After-Taxes (NOPAT) = Net Sales –Operating Expenses – TaxesInvested Capital = ($amount of debt + $ amount of equity)Forbes’ Investopedia provides a description of EVA detailing how tocalculate NOPAT, Invested Capital , and how to interpret the results:http://www.investopedia.com/university/EVA/For a description of how the grocery store chain Whole Foods Marketuses EVA, see: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/company/eva.php102 EVA is a registered trademark of the consulting firm Stern Stewart & Co.235

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