B.Tech. Degree Programme Computer Science & Engineering

B.Tech. Degree Programme Computer Science & Engineering

B.Tech. Degree Programme Computer Science & Engineering


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Lingaya’s University, FaridabadCS-205ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF L T P CrALGORITHMS 5 1 0 4OBJECTIVETo relay the theoretical and practical aspects of designof algorithmsWEB REFERENCES1. http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Algorithms/algorithm.html2. http://www.fib.upc.edu/en/infoAca/estudis/assignatures/ADA.html3. http://algo.inria.fr/AofA/PRE-REQUISITESKnowledge of fundamentals of basic computerprogramming for implementing algorithmsCS-251DATA STRUCTURES & L T P CrALGORITHMS LAB 0 0 2 11. BRIEF REVIEW: Graphs, sets and disjoint sets;union, sorting and searching algorithms and theiranalysis in terms of space and time complexity.2. DIVIDE AND CONQUER: General method; binarysearch; merge sort; quick sort; selection sort;Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithms andanalysis of algorithms for these problems.3. GREEDY METHOD: General method; knapsackproblem, job sequencing with deadlines; minimumspanning trees; single source paths and analysisof these problems.4. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: General method;optimal binary search trees; O/I knapsack; thetraveling salesperson problem.5. BACK TRACKING: General method; 8 queens’problem; graph colouring; Hamiltonian cycles;analysis of these problems.6. BRANCH AND BOUND: Method; O/I knapsackand traveling salesperson problem; efficiencyconsiderations; <strong>Tech</strong>niques for algebraic problems;some lower bounds on parallel computations.7. NP HARD AND NP COMPLETE PROBLEMS:Basic concepts; Cook’s theorem; NP hard graphand NP scheduling problems; some simplified NPhard problems.TEXT BOOKHorowitz Ellis and Sahni Sartaj, “Fundamental of<strong>Computer</strong> Algorithms”, Galgotia Publications, 1978REFERENCE BOOKS1. Cormen Thomas H., Leiserson Charles E. andRivest Ronald L., “Introduction to Algorithms”, TataMcGraw Hill, 19902. Aho A. V. and Hopcroft J. E., “The Design andAnalysis of <strong>Computer</strong> Algorithm”, Addison Wesley,19743. Berlion P., and Bizard P., Algorithms – TheConstruction, Proof and Analysis of Programs,John Wiley & Sons, 1986.4. Bentley J. L., “Writing Efficient Programs”, PrenticeHall of India, June 1982.5. Goodman S. E. and Hedetnieni, “Introduction toDesign and Analysis of Algorithm”, McGraw Hill,19976. Trembley Jean Paul and Bunt Richard B.,“Introduction to <strong>Computer</strong>s <strong>Science</strong> - AnAlgorithms Approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, 20027. Knuth Donald E., “Fundamentals of Algorithms:The Art of <strong>Computer</strong> Programming”, Vol. l, NareshPublications, 19858. Goodrich Michael T. and Roberto Tamassia,“Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis &Internet Examples”, Wiley Student Ed., 2002LIST OF EXPERIMENTS1. Search an element in a two-dimensional arrayusing linear search.2. Using iteration and recursion concepts writeprograms for finding the element in the array usingBinary Search Method3. Perform following operations on tables usingfunctions onlya) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d)Transpose4. Using iteration and recursion concepts write theprograms for quick sort technique5. Implement the various operations on string such aslength of string concatenation, reverse of a stringand copy of a string to another.6. Swap two numbers using ‘call by value’ and ‘callby reference’ strategies.7. Implement binary search tree. (Insertion andDeletion in Binary Search Tree)8. Create a linked list & perform operations such asinsert, delete, update, reverse in the link list9. Implementation of a file and performing operationssuch as insert, delete, update a record in the file.10. Create a linked list and perform the followingoperations on ita) Add a node b) Delete a node11. Simulate the various searching and sortingalgorithms and compare their timings for a list of1000 elements.12. Simulates the various tree traversal algorithms.13. Simulate various graph traversing algorithms.REFERENCE BOOKS1. Horowitz, Sahni and Rajasekaran, “Fundamentalsof <strong>Computer</strong> Algorithms”, 2007.2. Kruse Robert, “Data Structures and ProgramDesign in C”, Prentice Hall of India, 19943. Lipschitz Jr. Seymour, “Theory & Problems of DataStructures”, Schaum’s Outline, 2nd Edition, TataMcGraw HillCS-254COMPUTER L T P CrORGANIZATION &ARCHITECTURE LAB 0 0 2 1LIST OF EXPERIMENTS1. Check and measure various supply voltages ofPC.2. Make comparative study of motherboards.3. Observe and study various cables, connectionsand parts used in computer communication.4. Study various cards used in a system viz. displaycard, LAN card etc.5. Remove, study and replace floppy disk drive.31

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