Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. )Ofl/ No.3THE ARCTIC CIRCTJI,AR70leading to a Bachelor of EducaLion (Elsnentary) degree. To be adrdtted'students rnrst neet UBC entrElnce standards -Ihre agresnent ccrnes after npre thran a year of research and investiEationby t]:e Yukon Departnrent of Education which ilcluded approadtes to threeotlrer universities in addition to UBC. Thre Yukon Territorial Governnentis confident that ttre t\,rc UBC programs will nreet all criteria originallyestablished for a teacher e,Cucation program in Yukon. Thtese progralns willoffer Yukon residents ttre opSnrtr:niQz to prepare ttremselves for teachingin Yr:kon. Tlrose students vfio ccnpl-ete a one-year professional program willbe eligible for teachring positions in Septernber, 1978. Students successfullyccnpleting thrree years of thre elsnentaaT degree program wil-l qualify forYr:kon teacher certification.In a statenent, Superintendent of Education John Ferbey ackncn^rledged theinvolvenent, co-operation and suptrnrt of the Yukon Native Brottrerhooda1d tlre Yr:kon Teachers ' Association. l4r. Ferbey also enphasized thataltlrough these are UBC programs, Iocal- involvsnent will continue throught]-.e aplnintrnent of a Yukon resident to tJ-e position of Iocal co-ordinatora1d ttre aptrnintrnent of Yukoners to a local advisory ccnnrittee . Dan Lang,I{inister of Education, expressed his pleasure witlr thre agreenent. He saidthe ag'resnent represents tLre desire of his deparfient on behralf of allYukoners to see Yukon residents prepared for teaching careers in Yukonschools in a Yr:kon-based prograin. Ccnnr-issioner Art Pearson, in signing tlreagreernent, praised I{r. Lang and his Departrnent of Education for successfullycrcncluding the negoLiations for the agreernent wittr IJBC. He said ttreagrreenpnt is an e)€nple of a @-operative planning venture which irrvolvedthe lfIG working closely witl.. interested ccnnn:nity agencies such as the lflAald the lll{8. "Itris agresnent can only bring benef its to Yukoners ,particularly the chrildren in or.tr schools, " @nnissioner Pearson said.Htlt{II}G SEA.SON OPNS AUGUST IJuly 29 , L977Hr.mters are reminded of Yr:kon hr:nting regulations when tLrey go into thefield with tlre start of tJlis year's season August t. Ttre 1977-78 hwrtingregulations brochure can be picked up when purchasing a hr:nting licenceat wildlife branch offices or frcm territorial government agents. Licencesand the regrulations brochure are also available frcm several retail outletsin ttre territory. Chief @nsenration Officer ylark Hof frnan said a validCanada Migratory Bird Hr:nting Perrnit is reguired when hr:nting or transportinggarre birds. Ihat's in addition to the regular territorial huntingIicence. A branch strnkesnan said the role of tJ:e hunter is critical tothe prcper Inanagement of Yukon wildlife.

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