Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. )O(/ NO. 3THE ARCTIC CIRCTJIAR<strong>Arctic</strong> <strong>Circle</strong> Gf,rrespondence Correspondencx=the officer concerned,c/o Ttre <strong>Arctic</strong> <strong>Circle</strong>,Box <strong>24</strong>57, Station "D",Ottawa, OntarioKIP 5W6<strong>Arctic</strong> <strong>Circle</strong> }betings<strong>The</strong> regular nreetings of the Arcti-cof every nonth, October to May, a'tUnir,zersity of Ottawa.should be addressed to<strong>Circle</strong> are held on the second Tuesday8.3O p.m" at tlre Staff Loungre,Out-of-tchin rnefibers who wish to receive notices of these meetings and.,threreby, be informed in advance regarding tl.e guest speakers and tfietopics to be discr:.ssed, should address ttreir requests to the Secretaltrr,Mr. A.C. David Terroux.Ttre <strong>Arctic</strong> CircularTtre <strong>Arctic</strong> Circular is published four ti:res a year. Correspondence 'e weloned from all rnernbers, frcrn persolts livingin ttre north r or frcrn anyone having information on general nortlrernactivities, research arta travel, or on technological, industrial or sociald.evelotrments. ContrjJcutions and correslnndence should be addressed to thenditor, Ttre <strong>Arctic</strong> Circular, lB5 Kamloops Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario KIV 7E1Back issues of the <strong>Arctic</strong> Circular are available, single copies at $l-5Oand. ccnplete sets tvffi)at $fm.oo. Requests should beaddressed to thre h:lclications Secretanlr.Menbership D:esDues are payable as of I Jarruarlz. New nernbers joining the <strong>Arctic</strong> <strong>Circle</strong> inttre FaIl or at any tiJne dr:ring tLre period between tJre last meeting in tkreSpring and tlre first meeting in ttre Fall (usr-rally may{ctober) will beconsidered paid up msnlcers for tLre following year. Thre dues are:I4ernbers living in tlre Ottawa areaOutrcf-tcnnne mernbrsStudent nenbershipLibraries and institutions$7 "OO$3. oo$s.m$5.oo

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