Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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\roL. )Ofi/ No. 4 TTIE ARTCTIC CIRCUIAR 96Other large herds of caribou in Alaska and tlre \fcrthr^rest Territorieshave declined rapidly wtren oposed to a mi:s qcnoerningthe ban. Tbeir co-operation has been requested in reducingthe effect of ltarasslrent and distrrrbance along tlre D.:rpster corridor.<strong>The</strong> nrrst reliable estirnates of total torrist spending in the Yr:konTerritory harrc been achieved with the conpletion of tlre Tor:rismDpenditr:re DbdeJ- report for 1975. <strong>The</strong> report, released by the YukonTouri sn and Inforrnation Branch slpws tota-l e>pend.itures for that, yearat *20.8 million. fhe btal is based on 1975 average daily spendingwifh no adji-r.stlent for trarice increases. <strong>1976</strong> r,tras also ttre first y€rin orer a decade vfi1ich e4eriened a decreaso. Vttritetrorse accrcuntedfor 49 .4 per c€nt of the total tourism e>

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