Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. >C(\/ No.3 TTiE ARCTIC CIRCUIAR 72of a1 j.:rternal analysis of the operatj-on by the Yukon Government,discussions with tlre Yukon Visitors Association and an assesslent ofthe operaLion by pr:blic relations consultant Roy S . lvlinter.CANADIAN TRA\IEL TREND SUF\ZEY August IO, L977cood nd,^'s and bad nsrs for Yukon's tourist industry is revealed in a<strong>1976</strong> survey of trarzel habits of Carndians. Canadians are travellilgfarther, using rore air travel and pa.ckage tours tltan ttley used to do'accordilg to an annual study of travef trerds rel-e-ased by the CanadianGoverffent Office of ltourisn. <strong>The</strong>se facts crcuLd indicate a likelyinproverent in nrmbers of canadians visiting Yukon in fublre. A disappointingconclusion dravrn frcrn ttre survey is that llpre Canadians are choosingtJle United States as ttreir destilation ard are taking shcrter holidays.Yukon tourisn, second largtest lndustrf in tlre terri'tory, relies heaviryon Carndians onj-ng trere frcrn other regions. Itrey tend to stay longer ardspend nore noney in Yukon than U'S. visitors who are frequently onlypa.ssing tho:gh on tleir way to Alasl€.Yukon's pcpulation was not large enough to be included in the nationalstudy of Canadian ltoliday trends crudng to the sanple nrnbers of Caradianhousetrolds su.rveyed, but locaf surveys for the last five years have shownthat the volutE of Canadiars visiting Yukon is increasing faster thantlreir Anerican counte4)arts. In <strong>1976</strong>, Yukon suffered its first drop intourist volure in a decade ' During ttre last year, spoke$en for Yukon'stourisn il1dustr/ have cited rising costs of rrcrthern vacations as tlre majorcause of the desease.GESIERAL DE\IEOPMSII AGREMENI SIGNED - Augnrst 17, 1977the Federal Goverffrent and the Govement of Yukon today signed a GeneralDevelotrrent AgreelrEnt desigined to provide a ccrrprehensive and co-ordinatedappr,oach to social and econcmic planning and developrcnt in Yukon. Signatoriesto the signing €renDny in lrltlitetrorse were tlre I{inister of IndianAffairs and Northern DeveloFrent, warren Al}nand and @nnissioner Art Pearson.Ihe General- DeveloFEnt Agresrent is largely an agreslEnt of intent wh-ichserves as an unbrella under which joint and o-ordinated plarting can beundertaken and specific socio-eoncrn-ic projects can be identified anddeveloped for i:rplanentation under subsidiary agreqrEnts. It is nDdelledon DepartrEnt of Regiornl E@rE(Idc D

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