Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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\DL. )O(V IVJ. 3 TTIE ARCTIC CIRCI'IAR6tsuctr, are directly related to any activity ttrat affects Yr:kon". TtreYukon go\rerrrnent mrst ensure that the people of the Yukon are not placedin a posiLion of having to bear the hearryz crcsts of socio-escnornic disrr4>tionwhile otlrers outside ttre Yukon receive the benefits of a gas pipelinethrough ttre territory'tffie regulatory agenqf vo:ld be established with its headq:arter:s in thenorth and with branches in such locations as Calgarry and Ottawa. It andtJ:e advisory council ruculd exist for tlre life of ttre project only and wouldbe financed by ttre applicant. Ccnnrissioner Pearson recogrnized that threfederal goverrurent Snssesses various responsibilities in t.lle norUr as welland stated that while ttre Yukon government may not perform all tJle necessaqrfr-rnstions involved in regrlating pipeline const:ruction, "it must be fullyc-onsul-ted in preparing thre design for regnrlatory agencies and tlre conditionsthat will be !ryosed on the contractors. " Federal consultation wittr theYr:kon goverrulent is essentlal, Ccnrnissioner Pearson told ttrc board. "Shouldthis not be done, tlre Yukon' s proper political developrnent will be impededand tlre possibility exists of rnajor responsibilities being rerncved frcnrits jr:risdiction. Ttris r,vrculd be ccnpletely rxracceptable to thre Yukon. "@nnrissioner Pearson added; "It is absolutely essential tkrat thre agenqgbe established with sufficient lead tjme to ensure that proper procedr:resare developed, that clear directions are given to tlrose who will beadninistering tl.e regulatory system and ttrat detaild, e>

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