Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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33VOL. }C(1/ NC. 2 TTM AROIIC CIRCLIIARtaking a training course at Whitehorse. ltrey are Anita Johns,Carcross; Ben HalI, Teslin and Dorothy John of Ross River. <strong>The</strong>ywill work 15 hours a r,veek. Mr. Cline said tLre program ise>rperirrental and will be evaluated as it goes along. If ttreprogram prcves successful it may be orpanded to otirer n:ra1crcrmrn:nities in the territory. A fourthr ccnmr:nity alcohol wrcrkerwill be hired for Dawson City, who will work 30 hours a week and willbe r:nder thre supenrision of tlre social worker at Dawson City.In threir jobs, the workers will help clients assess how alcohol- isaffecting their health, family, financial situation, emplolzment andliving environnent. Once these assessnents a-re crrmpleted, the clientand worker will set goals to overcqre the problem. A treatnent programwill be selected whichr fits the client's needs and wishes. TYeatmentoptions ava-ilable to ttre client include: .infornral counselling frcrnthe worker, a supportive anLl-alcohol drug program and formal crcunsellingfrcrn an alcrchol and dnrg senrices division ccrnnun-ity consultant. Ttreworkers will also be in a position to make referrals to centralizedtreatnent services at Vrlhitehorse, such as Crossroads and at theDetoxication Centre " When a client returns to thre crcnrnunity from atreatrnent facility, the iaorker will- provide follcnar-up counselli.ng andsqrzic-es.FRENCH I"AIGUAGE BLIRSARIES FOR YIJI'rON ST{-lDEfflI''S June I, L9l7TWo br.rrsaries of $2,60.00 each are available for Yukon students whowish to develop tlreir fh:ency in French by enrolling in acadernic pnstsecondarystudies. Ttre bursarj-es provide post-secondarlz sLudents withthe opportunity for irnrersion in the rnilieu of their sec-'ond language.<strong>The</strong>y also encrourage official minority-lanc.fliage students to pursue their5rcst-secondarl' stud.ies in their cnnrn language, which now permits francophoneresidents of the Yul

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