Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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vol,. )o(v tb. 4TTIE AREftC CIRCUIARALL ARCIJND TIM CIRCTJE83MENIBERS I NE'!^JSGuy R. Brassard (Department of Biology, lvlerrcrial Universitlz,St. John's, l$erarfor:ndland) spent a nxcnth in Wbst Greenland(Disko Island region and S/ndre Strffijord) carrying out bryologicalstr:dies with G.S. I,lrgensen (Botardcal MJSeum, Uni'versity of Cog:enlragen) .Stay in Gneenland was from 28 July-23 AugrusE L977 .R.J.E. Brcr,vn (Ceotecfinical Section, Division of Building Research,ffiarch Cor:ncil) reports on his nortlrern activities, sumrerL977 r Ers follcnrs:Frqn July 18 to Augrr:st 8 I was a msnber of a Canadian PerrnafrostDelegation utrictr visj-ted the People' s Repr:b1ic of Ctrirn on thereturn half of an exdrange vihich brought a Chinese PerrnafrostDelegation to Canada trrc years ago.Thle Canadian grorp inch-rded eight people from gorrernnentdepartrrents, r:nirrersities and private industrlz and we wereacccnpanied in Clrina by a Canadian Enbassy staff rernber.Our visit was sponsored by tlre Chrinese SocieQz of CivilErgineering. It ccnsisted of several days in Peking visitinginstitutes at which perrnafrost and rreIated r',ork is beingcarried out follorled by a ten day rail trip tkrrough lulanchuria.We visited several cities vilrere pennafrrcst and related topicsare beirg investigated and travelted blz train through theperrnafrost region of northern lvtranchuria. Thris was follolredby a for-rr day visit to tLre City of Lanchour in West Chinawhere the Institute of GIacioIWy, Cryopedoloqlf and DesertResearctr Acaderny of Sciences is located. Clrinese r,rork onperrnafrost in ttreir crcr:ntr1z has been limited i-:: the past, butit is novr $(pandi-:rg rapidly - It is anticipaLed that a CtrineseDelegation will attend ttre ltrird Internatiornl Conference onPerrnafrost in E&nonton ne>rb JuIy.In Septernber I crcntinued my penrafrost field inrzestigations innorthern }aanitoba and Keer,vatin vfrere I am carrying out perrnafrostground tenperature obsenzations to evah-rate ttre effects of clirnateand terrain. f also visited our grcr:nd tenperature instal-l-ationswLrich are located in tlre Roclcy lvlcr:ntains r,vest of Calgaryz, to studlzthe distribution of alpine perrnafrost.Finally, ix early Gtober I was involved with the organization ofa Slznposir-un on Perrnafrost Field Itbttrods and a $pposiLun onPerrnafrost Geophysics -r*rich v,ere held in Saskatoon under theauspices of the Perrnafrost Sr:bccnrnittee, Associate Cqnnittee onGeotechnical Research, Natiorr,al Research Council of Canada.

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