Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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voT,. >oil/ NJo. 3 TTIE ARCTIC CIRCUIAR 81ARCTIC ]MAGESFrorn 12 July to 31 October the Purlclic Archives of Canada displayed one hr:ndredcarefully reproduced facsirniles of maps, engravinS, watercrclours and photographsof the <strong>Arctic</strong> frcm their collections. Ttre exhibit will travelthroughout Canada to many snaller rrRtseuns , galleries and cumrn:nity halls,tltus prcnpting t]-e use of facsimiles rattrer t]..an the original material whichgenerally necessitates special handling and cond.itions vfrich can be suppliedonly be tJ.e larger museuns in major cities.<strong>The</strong> ochtibit is divided into three parts: <strong>Arctic</strong> lrnages: <strong>The</strong> Dawn of <strong>Arctic</strong>tintended to be an itlustrated history of the Canadian <strong>Arctic</strong>, but rather itattenpts to shcxu tlre sort of illustrations ttrat en@uraged erplorers to maketlreir hazardor:s voyages, deorated their adventurous arcounts, and stimulatedpeople' s lmaginations before the nxrre sophisticated netLrods of illustrationof today.*****AIVIARCTIC JOUR\AL OF TT{E UNITED STATESAntarctic Journal of tLrer United States is thre only periodical devotednts in Antarctica. It deals wittrscientific activities, field sup1rcrt, hj-story of exploration, internationalcooperation, and other events. Pulclished by tLre National Science Foundation,Antarctic Jorrrnal appears five times a year. Ttre March, June, Septernber, andrt cr:rrent everrts , including recent awards of grants orqcntracts. <strong>The</strong> October issue is an annual progress report featr-rring papersby virtually every active U.S. antarctic investigator and support r:nit.Antarctic Journal is published esSrecially for:- neteorologists, upper-atmosphere scientists, geologists and geophysicists,biologists, medical scientists, glaciologists, and oceanographersa&n-inistrators, goverrrnent officials , arxl otlrers interested in the environmentalsciences, antarctic acti-vitj-es , and support of research j.trrenxrte areas- persons or organizations interested in crcnservation, environnentalprotection, and future resourcesthose interested in Antarctic Treatlz developrnents.U.S. government officials and official participants in the U.S. AntarcticResearch Program IIkIy obtain subscriptions by contacting tLre Division of Pol-arPrograms, National- Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. 2O55O. Ottrers pleaseorder directly frcm the Government Printing Offic-e, Washington D.C. 2O4O2.*****

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