Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. )O(V \lc. 3IHE ARCTIC CIRCUIARs9NET^TS REI;EA^SBS FROM TTIE YTJKON C{I\IERNMMVIIJTIL..E IIOIJSE OLII BAtr IS OUI FRc[lT DC&N NORIII - Jrfly 4, l-977sports statisticians rnEly soon have to establish a new set of record booksana Ure vriters and broadcasters wtto cover sports events may have toinvent a neur jargon. lltnt is if outhouse racj-ng catches on. Yukoners willfind out over ttle Iabor Day weekend in D&rson City at the first ever GreatKlondike Internatioral Outhouse Race. It's all part of that corm:niQz'syear-long Diarrcrd Jr:bi1ee celebrations. Foffer Dawson city resiidents are beinginvitecl to ret rrn dovirn north for hcnecordng festivities sept, 3 to 5. A11folrler Yukoners krow tjlat tl)e Ccrnn3n transportaLion in earlier Lirres was b1'river fron Wtritehorse, wtrich is south and upstream frcrn DaL'ISon city, tlenceOrganizers say ttre significance of tlre race will be obviousto tJa\^rsonites past and plresent who enjoy a challenge and can appreciate thenostalgia associated with ttris once-nec€ssarf' structule whictt sltmbolizespioneer life.outtlouse racing tearns will @nsist of for:r racers and one rider. <strong>The</strong>y'IJcovera t$o-mile caurse around tlle city struggling wittr nnrd, hills and narrq,vpaths. ltre r:nits can be propelled, dragged' packed or pushed in any lray-tfnt aoes not irnrolve mectnnical neans. Construction nust be to slEcifications,inch:ding authentic peaked or slolEd roof, seat with approrpriate ho1e, andhinged dors ard windows on b,\,D sides so the occupant is visible. Firstprize noney is $5o wittr runners-up receiving $3@ and $2@. Prizes of $I@will go to the fl|cst hulDrous and the nnst original designs as vel1 as ttlebest-dressed tean and tte fastest a1f-fsnale tean. Iosers will be eligibJ-efor an auard for the worst all-rourd team.A Le Ivtans start wiII be used ard early entries will have an advantage, sinceteans will be stationed in tlE order they register. HoIEful cont€stantsover 19 years of age frcrn any!,rtEre in ttre uorld should send tf)ej-r entries totl1e race- chairflEn at city Ha11 jn Dawson City before August 26 and asl< for acoplz of the rules."YIJKOtil IBAVELLER' PIJBTJSHED FPR \rISIIORS - JvLy 6, 1977visitors to Yukon this year wilt find a ne$J ne\^rspaper pulclished eEEcial-Iyfor them. Yukon Traveller is a four-page 5Eper being prepred b1' ltourisn'parks and Inforrnation Branch of ttle Yukon GoverTfient ' for distribution bytJre travel iJdustlry. Free of charge, tlre 'lYaveller' will be on hand athotels, IIbteIs, infonnalion centers, ard scne points of i.rlterest such astnuseuns and transportation centers. oontaining general information helpful

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