Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. )O(\/ No. 3TT{E ARCTIC CIRCTJIAR76have a facial ocpression dif ferent frcm tlre Alaska safetlr bear. <strong>The</strong>costr-rre will also include a red tunic and hat. Thre costr.rlle is no,r readyand will be picked r4> next week in Los Angeles by Cpl. Lerryz and Ql.John Ingalls. While in Los Angeles, tlre trryrr nen will learn hout to r,vorkwithr the costr-une. Ttrey wiII also neet wittr police of ficials frqn l^osAngeles and San Francisco and will attend severa1 fr:nctions designed toprcnote Yukon tor-rrisn. When the crcsttrne returns to Yukon it will be usedin school visit-s and other crime prevention-related programs.q)1. Lerryr said ttre RS,IP has fortlz dif ferent programs in rafrrich SafeQr Bearcan be used. Sane of these prograrns include such thrjngs as use of seatbelts, fire, nedicine drest, and pedestriarr safety. <strong>The</strong> school visitsinvolve tr,vo nsnbers of the RCI,IP, one for thre bear cosh.rre and one tointrcduce and eplain tlre topics to be discussed. For instance, a nremberof tlre RCI4P will enter ttre classrocrn, int:roduce himself and begin discussingscrre safety program or topic of crime prevention. At scne pointin tr-is talk he t-ells the class that he has a friend whro travels wittr him.He goes on to say that his friend is a great big bear by tlre nane ofSafeQr Bear. Ttre bear ccrres into ttre classrocm walks over to ttre policenrangiving ttre lectr:re and gives him a big hrg, scratches his ears andbottofir and puts ttre ctrildren at ease by showing affection. ThIe bear andttre policsnan then work as a team to e>

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