Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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VOL. )O(\/ }ib. 3 TTIE ARqTIC CIRCTIIAR74year. Other increases \,vere at Beaver Creek wLtich is up 20 per cent, WatsonLake vitrich is up six per cent and Haines Junction ratrich shor,vred an increaseof tr,vo per cent. I(arl Crosby, director of totrrisn arrd inforrnation, saidjoint prmrotion efforts early ttris year by ttre goverrrllent and tlre privatesector are paying off in increased tor:rist traffic. <strong>The</strong> tourisrn andinfor:nation brancLr and tlre Yukon Visitors Associatj-on sponsored pronotionsin southern Canada, United States and Ar:^stralia. Final visitor figureswill not be available r:ntil early 1978 vfrren border crossing totals areprovided by Canada Custcnus and r.mtil ttre Vttrite Pass rail and the ai-rlinepassenger figrr:res are available. Those figrr:res vftrich are available fronWhite Pass and Yukon Route do show a significant increase in rail passengertraffic. Frcnt Janr.nrT 1 to nLid-Augiust, rail passenger traffic hasincreased nine per cent over tlre saIIE period in L976. 1,1r. Crosby saidttrat altlrough visitor inforrnation centre figr:res are only an indicator,they do point to a record year for tor:rist voluunes in ttre territory. He saidttrese fign:res are strictly tourist figr:res and do not reflect ttre expectedincreases in total visitor traffic wLr-ich include bu,siness people who arevisiting tlre territory.AD,IBA^SSADORS VISIT YTJKON Augu^st 30, 1977T\rcnQz-tvrc ambassadors and h-igh currTLissioners visited Dawson CiQz andVihitelrorse brief ly as part of tlreir annr:al northern tor:r . TLre tour, jointlysponsored by Secretarlz of State and Indian Affairs and lilcrthern Develotrmentdepartrnents, began I'londay with a flight to Fort Chimo, Frobisher andParrgnirtr:ng for an overnight rest. <strong>The</strong> tor:r f lew to Dawson City on Wednesdaywhere it stayed oviernight to be hosted hy tlre territorial governnentrepresented by Healttr and Welfare lutinister Flo !{tryard. Tllere \^ras an informaldinner, and then a tor:r of the Gaslight Follies and Dianucnd Tooth Gerties .Ttre diplcnratic mission flew to White.trorse Thr:rsday afternoon for a tour anda re€ption hosted by tlre Cit1r. Ttle senior diplcnrat of ttre group, in termsof tenure in Canada, is tlre U.S.S.R. Arnbassador, His Dccellenry A.M. Yakovlev.TRAPPMS hORICSHOPS START SPTUvIBM. 15AugnrSt 30, T977Yukon trappers have an opportr:nit1z to learn new mettrods in fr:r trappingwhen ttre seond arru:al fi:r trappers "rrcrkshopgets r:nderway dr:ring the lasthalf of Septernber. Co-strnnsored by the Yukon wildlife branch, ttre fndian-Eskjmo affairs branch and tlre Yr:kon lYappers Association, the workshopwill include lectr:res by a representative of tlre Canadian Association forHr-unane Ttapping and trapping denronstrations by rnernbers of the tTA. Threfirr nranager of tlre Orrtario Ttappers Association fur sale wiII attend allworkshops to give lectures on fure primeness and pelt preparation. Sessions

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