Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

Volume 24-25, 1976-7 - The Arctic Circle - Home

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\il3l,. )Ofi/ No. 4 TI{E ARffIC CIRCUIAR 99f ive years of specialty training in Itlcntreal and Vancornrer. Afterobtaining his Fellcnl.lship in surEeqz he returned to tlre Yukon in 1973.<strong>The</strong> nep,r for:r*r l{enrber of tJre Yukon' s 'tnini-cabinet" nrved inrnediatelyinto neetings of tlre sr:b-cunrnittee of finance, to onsider ttregovernnentrs firnl estirnates for tlre I978n9 budget.Itrcn. Hugh Faullarer, Minister of Ind.ian Affairs and Norttrern Developrnentin the federal cabinet, agreed to the atrpointnent of a for:rth electednernber in Yr:kon at th-is tine so that the Executirrc Ccrrwlittee would bei-:r a position to respond to ttre additional pressures on the TetritorialCovernnent as a resr:l-t of the inpending pipeline r ds well as playingan active role in developing special prcgrams to neet the needs of tlrenatirze people of Yukon "POIJCY A[,lEt{DD FOR ROAEIGNS Decernber 19 , L977<strong>The</strong> territorial goverrurent has anended pa::t of its higtmay sign poliqfvlhich will go into effect on April l, L979. It call-s for all cqmnercialoff-premise signs visiJcle frcnr Y':kon highways and located outside thejurisdiction of mr-rnicipalities and l-ocal Inprovenrent Districts to beprohiJcited by regulation. Sigrns located on the prernises or propertlz*-hey a&rertise are perrnitted. TLre Yukon go\rerrurEnt will be reqnnsiblefor higlnuay signs indicating senrices such as ccnmJnities, carprEroundsand rest areas; attractions suclr as point-s of interest and cumnericalattractj-ons; g-r.idance such as distance markers , intersections and routernarkers and welcone, suckr as border crqssirgs " Rest area nrap boardswill be ost shared with municipalities and l-ocal Inprovenrent Districtson a 50-50 basis with the cqrunr:nity and ttre tenitorial gorrernrrent. A11ctcsts of rmp board signs for r:norganized ccnnrunities shall be borne bythe Yukon governnent. Ttre porEion of the cost of tJ:e rnap board signsv*rich are derrcted to crcnnerical adrrcrtising shall be charged to ttrebusinesses involved.@\ZERNMHVI OF TTIE NORTTil{EST TRRTTORTES - PT]BLTCATIOIilS CATAIOqJE<strong>The</strong> C'overnnent of ttre North$,rest Tenitories has recently issued a catalogueof its pr:lclications available for public use. fncluded a:re retrnrts, panphletsand booklets. It is pJ-anned to issr.le senr-i-anrn:a1 sr44>lenents, to keep ttrecatalogrue r4> to date. ILle material is listed \r issuing departnent, withannual reports follcnred by otlrer titles. Maps, prress releases, in@rnalpublications and speeches harre rpt been included. A list of Council Debatesand Sessional Papers is girrcn, ds r,ve1l as a table of R-rblic Ordinances, andindo< of IWI Regulations, and federal acts peftaining to N[fI. Title, author,price, date of issue and a sr:rnna:12 of the ontents is gircn for each itenrlisted. Ttre PUBIJCATfONS CATAITGTJE is free. To receir,e a copy r,vrite to:Publicatiorrs and Production Division, Detrnrtment of fnforrnation, Gcnrernnentof the lilcrth,'est Tenitories, Box 1320, Yellowknife, N.W.T. XIA ?L9. It isinteresting to note tlat the Litles tisted in tlre catalogue can be crcnsultedin the C'orrcrnnent LibranJt Arttnrr raing Building, Yellourknife.

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