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RP–RUSER GUIDEAPPENDIX A - SYSTEM OVERVIEWInmarsat BGAN systemThe Inmarsat Broadband Area Network service (BGAN)provides both voice and broadband data through atruly portable device on a global basis.Data and voice transmissions to and from mobile/fixed subscribers is offered anywhere within theworldwide coverage of the Inmarsat 4 spot beamsystem, see map later in the User Guide.The benefit of the INMARSAT system is its high capacity,and the rapid and reliable connectionbetween the land based (fixed)users and the Mobile Earth Stations(MESs).Each satellite region is under thecontrol of a Satellite Access Station(SAS), which controls and monitorsthe traffic between the MESs andthe SAS.DATANETWORKSMOBILENETWORKS2G 2.5G 3GSASIORSAS: Satellite Access Station w/DistributionPartners (interconnectsfixed telecommunication networkswith the Inmarsat system, two in eachOcean Region).7 8 94 5 61 2 3S 0 #TELEPHONENETWORKSMESMES: Mobile Earth Station(Nera WorldPro, a user terminal for the Inmarsatsystem).Figure A-1 Overview of the Inmarsat BGAN system.EXPLORER <strong>100</strong>/<strong>110</strong>A-1

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