2. Student Study Book - Cambridge School Classics Project

2. Student Study Book - Cambridge School Classics Project

2. Student Study Book - Cambridge School Classics Project


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Catullus, Poem 70nulli se dicit mulier mea nubere mallequam mihi, non si se Iuppiter ipse petat.dicit: sed mulier cupido quod dicit amanti,in vento et rapida scribere oportet aqua.1 nullus, nulla, nullum - not any, nose - himself, herself, itselfdico, dicere, dixi, dictus - saymulier, mulieris, f. - womanmeus, mea, meum - mynubo, nubere, nupsi + dat. - marrymalo, malle, malui - prefer2 quam - thanego, mei - I, menon - notsi - ifse - himself, herself, itselfIuppiter, Iovis, m. - Jupiteripse, ipsa, ipsum - himself, herself, itselfpeto, petere, petivi, petitus - pursue3 dico, dicere, dixi, dictus - saysed - butmulier, mulieris, f. - womancupidus, cupida, cupidum - eager,passionatequi, quae, quod - who, whichdico, dicere, dixi, dictus - sayamans, amantis, m. - lover4 in - in, onventus, venti, m. - windet - andrapidus, rapida, rapidum - fast-flowing, swift,rapidscribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus - writeoportet, oportere, oportuit - oughtaqua, aquae, f. - water50 WJEC Level 2 Latin Literature Unit 9541 Love and Marriage

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