ARL Annual Salary Survey 1999-2000

ARL Annual Salary Survey 1999-2000

ARL Annual Salary Survey 1999-2000


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<strong>ARL</strong> UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES BY GEOGRAPHIC REGION*RegionNo. of Libs.<strong>ARL</strong> University Libraries IncludedStateslProvinces IncludedNortheast1. New England(8)Boston, Brown, Connecticut Dartmouth, Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Massachusetts, YaleConn., Mass., Me., N.H., R.I., Vt.2. Middle Atlantic(14)Columbia; Cornell; New York; Pennsylvania; PelU1syivania State; Pittsburgh; Princeton; Rochester;Rutgers; State University of New York: Albany, Buffalo, Stony Brook; Syracuse; TempleN.j., N.Y., Pa.North Central3. East North Central(17)Case Western Reserve, Chicago, Cincinnati, Illinois-Chicago, Illinois-Urbana, Indiana, Kent State,Michigan, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Northwestern, Ohio University, Ohio State, Purdue,Southern Illinois, Wayne State, WisconsinIll., Ind., Mich., Ohio, Wis.4. West North CentralSouth(7)Iowa, Iowa State, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Washington U.-St. LouisIowa, Kan., Minn., Mo., Neb.,N. Dak., S. Dak.5. South Atlantic(18)Delaware, Duke, Emory, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech., Georgetown, GeorgeWashington, Howard, Johns Hopkins, Maryland, Miami, North Carolina, North Carolina State,South Carolina, Virginia, Virginia TechDel., D.C., Fla., Ga., Md., N.C., S.c., Va.,W.Va.6. East South Central(5)Alabama, Auburn, Kenh.1cky, Tennessee, VanderbiltAla., Ky., Miss., Tenn.7. West South Central(9)Houston, Louisiana State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Rice, Texas, Texas A&M, Texas Tech,TulaneArk., La., Okla., Tex.West8. Mountain(7)Arizona, Arizona State, Brigham Young, Colorado, Colorado State, New Mexico, UtahAriz., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev.,N. Mex., Utah, Wyo.9. Pacific(13)University of California: Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara;Hawaii; Oregon; Southern California; Stanford; Washington; Washington StateAlaska, Calif., Hawaii, Ore., Wash.Canada(13)Alberta, British Columbia, Guelph, Laval, McGill, McMaster, Manitoba, Queen's, Saskatchewan,Toronto, Waterloo, Western Ontario, YorkAlta., B.c., Man., N. Br., Newf.,N.5., Ont., P.E.L, Que., Sask.*Regions are based on the classification used by the U. S. Bureau of the Census in tabulations of the Current Population <strong>Survey</strong>.57

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