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Full Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue ...

Full Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue ...


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70Green <strong>and</strong> Fernández-Bilbaoinfluence these key stakeholders then it will not beable to deliver on the <strong>Water</strong> Framework Directive(Le Quesne <strong>and</strong> Green 2005).Absent from this list <strong>of</strong> key stakeholders are theenvironmental non-governmental organizations.This is because the Environment Agency has acentral commitment to environmental conservation.In particular, the Chief Executive <strong>of</strong> the agency wassuccessively Chief Executive <strong>of</strong> the Royal Societyfor the Protection <strong>of</strong> Birds, the most importantenvironmental non-governmental organization,<strong>and</strong> then <strong>of</strong> English Nature, the government agencywith responsibility for environmental conservation.This leaves other environmental non-governmentalorganizations, such as the World Wildlife Fund,without an obvious ecological niche.In seeking to influence these other stakeholders,the agency will have to recognize the asymmetries<strong>of</strong> interest among the stakeholders. The localauthorities may have little to gain from workingclosely with the agency <strong>and</strong> a lot to lose. Thelocal authorities have multiple objectives <strong>and</strong>constraints with which they must cope, includingthe needs either <strong>of</strong> socio-economic regeneration or<strong>of</strong> accommodating large inflows <strong>of</strong> development.Taking account <strong>of</strong> water management issues willadd to their difficulties <strong>and</strong> will restrict both wheredevelopment can take place <strong>and</strong> the form <strong>of</strong> thatdevelopment.The competent authority will have not onlyto be very successful at influencing the otherstakeholders, but also at co-ordinating the actions<strong>of</strong> those other stakeholders. Key to both tasks is theestablishment <strong>of</strong> some form <strong>of</strong> stakeholder forumfor each catchment; what is at issue is the powerthat would reside in each <strong>of</strong> those fora <strong>and</strong> hencein each stakeholder. Each forum could be simplya sounding board <strong>and</strong> means <strong>of</strong> liaison betweenthe different stakeholders, the EnvironmentAgency’s original proposal for implementing the<strong>Water</strong> Framework Directive (Environment Agency2005). Or, it might make recommendations to thedifferent stakeholders as to the actions each shouldtake as part <strong>of</strong> the program <strong>of</strong> actions necessaryto deliver the objectives <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Water</strong> FrameworkDirective. Finally, it might decide on the riverbasin management plan <strong>and</strong> the program <strong>of</strong> actionnecessary to implement it.Given the lack <strong>of</strong> experience in Engl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> suchapproaches, it would be useful to allow differentforms to emerge in different catchments, as thelocal stakeholders decide. Within each catchmentforum, there would then also be scope for adoptingdifferent processes; that process has been variouslyframed in quite different ways as “conflictresolution” (Acl<strong>and</strong> 1990, H<strong>and</strong>mer et al. 1991,Priscoli 1996), “consensus building” (Innes 1996),“future search” (Weisbord <strong>and</strong> Jan<strong>of</strong>f 1995), “sociallearning” (Pahl-Wostl 2002, Craps 2003, Ison et al.2004, HarmoniCOP 2005) <strong>and</strong> “learning alliances”(Adank et al. 2006). What is required is an overallsystem for evaluating the relative success <strong>of</strong> eachdifferent forum. In the short run, that evaluationhas to focus upon process rather than outcomes,<strong>and</strong> the key process characteristic is change: thenature <strong>and</strong> extent <strong>of</strong> the changes, particularly in theunderst<strong>and</strong>ings <strong>of</strong> each stakeholder <strong>of</strong> each other(Green et al. 2004).We are further faced with the problem <strong>of</strong>delivering integration through functional linebudgets. Some general source <strong>of</strong> revenue whichcould be used for general purposes to enhance theperformance <strong>of</strong> the catchment would be a usefullubricant here. In the past, the introduction <strong>of</strong>specific charges for abstractions <strong>and</strong> discharges tocover the administrative costs for permitting havebeen rejected when they have been considered aspossible economic instruments (Department <strong>of</strong> theEnvironment, Transport <strong>and</strong> the Regions 1997,2000). Our proposal here is instead for a levy asa source <strong>of</strong> revenue rather than any expectationthat such a levy would have any effect upon l<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> water users. A small charge, the simplest formbeing that <strong>of</strong> a property tax, would generate fundswhich could then make it easier to put togetherother funding from the line budgets <strong>of</strong> the differentpublic <strong>and</strong> private stakeholders. Decisions as tothe appropriate spending <strong>of</strong> these funds would bedetermined by the stakeholder fora.ConclusionsIntroducing IWRM requires very differentinstitutional practice than we have seen in the past inEngl<strong>and</strong>. It is a challenge for which the centralizedgovernment tradition <strong>of</strong> Engl<strong>and</strong> has ill-preparedthe people. Indeed, the adoption without discussion<strong>of</strong> the Environment Agency as the competentauthority under the <strong>Water</strong> Framework Directive isUCOWRJOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY WATER RESEARCH & EDUCATION

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