Nhng tin b trong Quang hc, Quang ph và ng dng VI ISSN 1859 - 4271

Nhng tin b trong Quang hc, Quang ph và ng dng VI ISSN 1859 - 4271

Nhng tin b trong Quang hc, Quang ph và ng dng VI ISSN 1859 - 4271


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Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications <strong>VI</strong> <strong>ISSN</strong> <strong>1859</strong> - <strong>4271</strong>Fig. 4. Oscilloscope traces of eye-safe 1 st Stokespulse, pump and depleted pump in ri<strong>ng</strong> Ramanlaser.Fig. 5. 3 rd Stokes pulse energy as a function offlashlamp energy (1) without and (2) withintracavity telescope and (3, 4) as a function ofoutput coupler reflectivity at different pumpenergy. The dots 5 show 3 rd Stokes pulse width(FWHM) as a function of flashlamp energy.The most essential characteristics of the eye-safe laser source based on the ri<strong>ng</strong> KTP-OPO areshown in Fig. 6 and 7. The source generates radiation pulses with energies up to 35 mJ andduration ~11 ns at electrical pumpi<strong>ng</strong> energy which does not exceed 8 J. Accordi<strong>ng</strong> to ourmeasurements, the output wavele<strong>ng</strong>th of the KTP-OPO with pumpi<strong>ng</strong> by radiation with λ=1.064μm is1570.8nm.Thisagreeswelwiththecalculatedvalue(1571nm)obtainedusi<strong>ng</strong>thepublishedSelmeierequationforKTP.Thelo<strong>ng</strong>-termoperationofthesourcepumpedat6.5J.isas<stro<strong>ng</strong>>tro<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>>caseforitsreliability.Thepulseenergyhasbeenmonitoredfortwointervalsofmorethanthreehoursofcon<s<stro<strong>ng</strong>>tro<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>>>tin</s<stro<strong>ng</strong>>tro<strong>ng</strong></stro<strong>ng</strong>>>uousoperationthathavebeenseparatedbyanone-hourpause.ItcanbeseenthattheaverageOPO pulseenergyof~24.7mJremainspracticalyconstantwithprolo<strong>ng</strong>edoperation.Onlysmalrandom cha<strong>ng</strong>esofoutputenergyduetothestatisticalpropertiesofNd:YAG-lasergenerationandthenoisepropertiesofOPOgenerationareobserved.Thecha<strong>ng</strong>esoccurwithastandarddeviationof0.74mJ.Fig. 6. Output energy of travelli<strong>ng</strong>-waveOPO as a function of electrical pump energyof Nd:YAG laser. Insert shows spectrum ofeye-safe radiation.Fig. 7. Behaviour of eye-safe radiation energy forlo<strong>ng</strong>-term source operation at repetition rate of 10Hz. Insert shows one-dimensional energy densitydistributions for (1) near and (2) far fields.38

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