Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Stitching during hard stool; tenesmus; urging after stool; stool bloody; brown, hard mucus, scanty, soft,watery.Urination frequent, involuntary, with tenesmus. Pain in both kidneys but worse in left.Gonorrheal discharge from urethra; with itching crawling. Burning on urination. Sensation as if dropsof urine remained in fossa navicularis and could not be forced out. Urine albuminous and of lowspecific gravity. It has cured where sugar was found in the urine. Urine: dark, red, copious and pale,scanty, white. Urine smells sweetish.Erections troublesome and painful at night; wanting. Relaxed scrotum. Seminal emissions.Sexual desire increased. In the female it has been used to prevent abortion. Itching and soreness of theswollen vulva. It has cured dropsy of the ovaries.Leucorrhoea; acrid, hot, copious, like starch; before and after menses; thin and watery; mensesabsent, copious, too frequent or late, painful, SUPPRESSED. Metrorrhagia Bearing down feeling in thepelvis; while sitting she feels something pushing up. It is a most useful remedy in prolapsus anddisplacements of all kinds.Irritation and much mucus in the larynx and trachea. Pain in the larynx; burning. Tickling in theair passage. Hoarseness and aphonia.Respiration asthmatic; difficult at night and on motion; rattling, short, suffocative, wheezing.Cough in the morning, afternoon, evening, asthmatic, dry, during fever, from irritation in larynxand trachea, loose, from motion, short, spasmodic, from talking, from tickling in the air passages.Expectoration in the morning; bloody, copious, difficult, greenish, hawked bloody mucus, offensive,purulent, tasting putrid, viscid, whitish, grayish-white, yellow.Anxiety in chest and heart. Cancer of right breast was greatly benefited. Catarrh of chest.Congestion of chest and heart Hemorrhage of lungs and air passages. Inflammation of bronchial tubes;of lungs. Cardiac murmurs. Oppression of chest. Pain in chest during cough; in sides of chest; in right,from heart to axilla; stitching on coughing. Palpitation a NIGHT; from least exertion; on motion; onright up; on turning in bed; during sleep.Pain in the back during menses; in dorsal region; in lumbar region during menses; in sacrum;aching, as if broken, in lumbar region, at night; dull pain in dorsal region, each side of spine; extendingthrough chest; stitching pain in back Stiffness in back on rising from bed.Cold hands and feet at night; cramps in feet. Heat of hands; heaviness of limbs; lover limbs; offeet. Numbness of fingers, legs, feet. Pain in the joints; gouty, rheumatic; rheumatic in upper limbs;rheumatic in right upper arm; in elbow, in hip, in thigh, in right tibia; rheumatic pain extending upwardfrom back of left foot, in evening. Aching in the shoulder. Drawing pain in lower limbs; in the thighs;in tendons of back of right hand and left foot. Sore, bruised lower limbs, thighs, legs, stitching upperlimbs and shoulder; tearing upper limbs and hips.Paralysis of upper limbs; sensation of paralysis of shoulder; in right arm in evening whenwriting. Restless feet. Dropsical swelling in lower limbs; legs and feet. Weakness of limbs, of lowerlimbs. Trembling and weakness in limbs on using hands and on walking.Dreams anxious; confused; of dead people; of fighting; of previous events; fantastic; of robbers;nightmare; unpleasant; vivid Dreams that he is from thirty to sixty feet tall. Restless sleep. Sleepinessmorning and evening. Sleeplessness; frequent waking.Chill at night; coldness in and better rising from bed; chilliness in evening followed by heat andsweat; shaking chill; warm room does not ameliorate the chill. Fever in the afternoon and evening withchilliness. Dry heat. Flushes of heat; internal heat, with chill. Intermittent fever with desire to uncover.Perspiration in the morning; in afternoon at night; in bed; clammy, cold, copious, on least worse on motion.The skin burns or is cold; jaundiced; liver spots. Dry skin.Urticaria. Swollen skin.FERRUM METALLICUM [ferr] [Kent’s]We will take up the study of Ferrum metallicum. The Old School has been giving Iron foranemia throughout all tradition. They have given it in great quantities, in the form of the tincture ofchloride, and the carbonate. Whenever the patient became anemic, pallid, waxy and weak, Iron was thetonic. It is true that Iron produces anemia, and it would be astonishing to any one who ever read theprovings of Ferrum if the allopaths did not create additional bloodlessness with the doses of Iron theyadminister.It is true that under the provings, and under those circumstances where Iron has been given inexcess, the patient becomes greenish, waxy, yellow and pallid, with a sickly and anemic countenance.The lips become pale; the ears lose their pink color; the skin of the body becomes waxy, and there

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