Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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griping and stool, both have colic as if stones were squeezing; Staph. in the intestines, head and testes; in the intestines and ovaries; both are worse from anger. and Staph. follow each other like and It often happensthat nervous women soon after marriage are attacked with frequent and painful urging to urinate whichbecomes extremely troublesome and may last many days. Staph. is very comforting to the young wife.Great teasing and tearing all night long; bloody urine; involuntary discharge of urine, acrid andcorroding, with burning, worse from motion. Profuse discharge of pale urine with burning and urging.Burning during and after urination.Staph. has cured enlarged prostate with frequent urging to urinate, especially in old men;continued teasing with dribbling.Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge in thin stream or discharge of urine in drops";may be followed by a sensation as if the bladder were not fully emptied.The most distressing symptom of the male genitals is excitability, but there is also impotence,great weakness of the sexual organs; the sexual desire is greatly increased but there is impotence.Useful in the results of secret vice, long practiced. "Seminal emissions followed by great chagrin andmortification, prostration, dyspnoea. Effects of onanism or sexual excesses; loss of memory,hypochondriasis, taciturnity, face sunken abashed look, nocturnal emissions, backache, weak leg,relaxed organs deficiency of vital heat and tendency to take cold, deep sunken, red, and lusterless eyes,hair falls out; loss of prostatic fluid and impairment of sexual desire; dull and contusive pains in thetesticles, voluptuous itching of the scrotum, atrophy of the testicles. Think of the extremely nervouspatient.Dry, sensitive warts about the genitals, from sycosis or from the abuse of , whichcauses a tendency to warty growths.Moist, red, offensive warts belong to .The testes dwindle as well as become inflamed and swollen; genitals waste away.Sensation as if there were worms crawling over him. Crawling, etc., in the female externalgenitals, , the latter has: While outer parts feel as if insectswere biting and crawling, better from heat or cold.In the female there is violent sexual excitement, nymphomania with extreme mental andphysical impressions; mind has been dwelling too much on sexual subjects. "Very sharp, shootingpains in the ovary, which is exquisitely sore to touch; pains extend along crural regions and thighs.Menses irregular, late and profuse, sometimes wanting; first of pale blood, then dark and clotted.Scorbutic diathesis, vegetations of the vagina; stinging, itching of the vulva.Stitching in the region of the heart; trembling of the body with nervous excitement is anexcellent indication for Staph.Effects from loss of blood, shock, from surgical operations, injuries from sharp instruments,incised wounds. Stinging, etc., in surgical wounds, cuts; colic after lithotomy, urging to stool,qualmishness, worse from drinking.Tetter on the hands, itches and burns in the evening after scratching; numbness in the tips of thefingers; arthritic nodosities on the fingers. I remember a patient suffering from gouty nodosities; he hadlived a life of peculiar continence, dwelling on his vices, broken down in body. Staph. brought out aneruption on his legs as high up as the knees that looked like a pair of trousers. One continuous coat ofcrusts which lasted a year before it dwindled, but he was greatly improved in his body and his enlargedjoints gradually improved. The eruption was yellow, crusty, tough, leathery, and, when lifted up by themoisture beneath, it had to be cut off like a bandage; he was practically crippled; new crops came outon the parts clipped off. It was with difficulty that he walked, for the crusts cut him.Bone troubles, exostoses, inflammation of the periosteum.Acute articular rheumatism of fast or debilitated men, with shifting pains. Mercurial bonediseases, ulcers, caries, injuries caused by sharp, cutting instruments. Nightly bone pains..STRAMONIUM [stram] [Kent’s]When considering Stram. the idea of violence comes into mind.One cannot look upon a patient who needs Stram., or who has been poisoned with it, withoutwondering at the tremendous turmoil, the great upheaval taking place in mind and body. Full ofexcitement, rage, everything is tumultuous, violent; the face looks wild, anxious, fearful; the eyes arefixed on a certain object; face flushed, hot raging fever with hot head and cold extremities, violentdelirium. In his anxiety he often turns away from the light, wants it dark, is aggravated especially if thelight is bright. High fever with delirium; the heat is so intense that it may be mistaken for , but it

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