Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. Distension of the abdomen after eating. Enlarged liver.Obstructed flatulence.Fulness after eating. Heaviness in the abdomen; sensation of a weight in hypochondria.Sensation of movements in the abdomen with gurgling. Pain in the abdomen; in the morning; in theevening; as if diarrhoea would come on; after eating; before menses; during menses; paroxysmal; afterstool; while walking; in hypochondria; in hypogastrium before menses; in the inguinal region; in theregion of the umbilicus.Cramping pain in the morning; in the sides of the abdomen; in the umbilical region. Cuttingpain in the region of the umbilicus. Dragging pain in the abdomen. Pressing in the hypogastrium and inthe liver. Soreness in the hypochondria.Stitching pains in the abdomen; in the right hypochondrium; in the liver; in the sides of theabdomen. Tearing pains in the abdomen. A nervous feeling in the abdomen; tension in the abdomenwith . alternating with diarrhoea; stool very ; rectum inactive; nodesire for stool; unsatisfactory stool; ineffectual straining, the stool is dry; hard; large, light-colored.; afternoon, evening; pain less; involuntary; with brain affections. The stool is bloody;brown; copious; frequent; green; offensive; watery. Copious flatus which ameliorates symptoms;offensive. Formication and itching in the anus in the evening. Haemorrhoids external; bleeding. Muchmoisture about the anus. Pain in the anus and rectum; during stool; burning, during and after stool;cutting; pressing; soreness; stitching; tearing, tenesmus after stool. Prolapsus of the anus. Inefficienturging to stool.Pressing pain in the bladder. Paralytic weakness of the bladder. Retention of urine. Spasmodiccontractions in the bladder. ; night; ineffectual; sudden; must hasten or will lose theurine; sudden urging after urination.Urination dribbling; dysuria; feeble stream; frequent but worse at night; with interrupted stream.Urination involuntary but worse at night; during sleep; on coughing; after stool; weak bladder.Pain in the kidneys; cutting in the ureters; stitching in the kidneys; suppression suppression ofurine. Emissions of prostatic fluid during difficult stool. Haemorrhage from the urethra.Burning in the urethra during urination. Cutting and stitching in the urethra. Urine; albuminous;bloody; burning; ; dark; ; ; cloudy; flocculentand sandy and red, sandy and white. It has cured where sugar was found in the urine. It has cured socallednervous colorless watery urine.Troublesome, painful, strong. even violent erections at night.Pain in the testes; drawing pain in the testes; stitching pains in the penis and glans. without dreams.Sexual passions increased and even violent. Swollen testes. In the female the sexual desire isalso . Inflammation of the ovaries. ; white. Menses: absent; bright red; clotted; copious; frequent; late; scanty; protracted;suppressed. Pain in the vulva; in the ovaries; worse in the left; bearing down before the menses;soreness in the vulva. Prolapsus of the uterus.Constriction of the larynx. A sensation of dryness in the larynx Accumulations of mucus in thelarynx. Burning, rawness and soreness in the larynx and trachea. Tickling and scraping in the larynx.Hoarseness with coryza. Rough weak voice. Respiration is accelerated, anxious and asthmatic, worse atnight; spasmodic asthma; ; evening, night and after eating; ; short;suffocative. Cough: daytime; day and night; morning; afternoon; evening; night; asthmatic; from deepbreathing; constant; after dinner; dry evening and night; exhausting; hacking; from irritation in thelarynx and trachea; ; paroxysmal; racking; during rest; short; worse sitting; betterrising and moving about; spasmodic; ; tickling cough; violent. It has been a very usefulremedy in whooping cough. Expectoration; daytime only; morning; bright; red blood; blood streaked;difficult; frothy; ; tasting putrid and sweetish; viscid; yellow.An anxious feeling in the chest. Constriction as of a band; of the heart; in spinal affections.Pimples on the chest.. Pain in the chest; evening; during cough; on deep breathing; in theheart; aching in the chest; burning in the chest with rawness on coughing; cutting; ; sorenesson coughing; soreness in mammae. Stitching pains in the chest; on coughing; deep breathing; sides ofchest; worse in the left side; in the heart. she feels every beat of the heart; ;heart pounds like a hammer; on waking. When spinal affections change into phthisis. Spasms of thechest.

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