Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Pain on moving the jaw. The face feels puffed. Stiffness of muscles of mastication. Swelling inthe morning on waking; molar bones feel swollen; oedematous; swollen parotids. Twitching of face.Ulcer on the lips. Aphthae in the mouth; bleeding gums; cracked and corrugated tongue. Discoloration:redness of mouth and tongue; white tongue; yellow tongue. Dryness of mouth; flabbytongue. Inflammation of mouth and tongue.Salivation and saliva is viscid. Stammering speech. Taste bitter in the morning; ,saltish, SOUR, sweetish. Ulceration in mouth. Vesicles in mouth and on tongue; burning. The teethbecome loose. Pain in the teeth; night; pulsating; warmth ameliorates; jerking pains, tearing pains.Choking; constriction of esophagus; dryness in throat; worse in the morning; after a cold.Throat red and glossy, purple red; hawks frequently to raise white mucus, worse in the open air.Inflammation; dark red, covered with yellow mucus. Sensation of a lump in the throat; grayexudation in the throat. It is said to have cured diphtheria. Mucus in the throat; tough gelatinous,greyish, yellow, white, from posterior nares. Pain in throat on swallowing, on empty swallowing, butno pain on swallowing food or drink; burning, sore, stitching. Roughness in the throat; scraping in thethroat. Swallowing difficult. Swollen pharynx, uvula and tonsils; oedematous; uvula hangs down like awater bag.Constriction in the region of the thyroid gland. Stiffness in the sides of the neck.Appetite aversion to fats, to meat, to his cigar; sensation ofconstriction in the stomach.Desires beer, bread, cold drinks, sweet things. Disordered stomach; by milk. Stomach isdistended; sensation of emptiness; eructations afternoon, after eating; , tasting of food, SOURafter eating, waterbrash. Fullness in the stomach after eating. Heartburn. Flushes of heat, heavinessafter eating.HICCOUGH after eating, indigestion is very marked. Loathing of food. Nausea: after eating;constant; during cough; after cold drinks; with headache; during menses. Pain in the stomach: burning after warm things; gnawing; pressing after eating;soreness; stitching. Pulsation in the stomach. Retching when raising mucus from the throat. Sinkingsensation. Sensation of a stone in the stomach. Tension in the stomach. Thirst: morning; evening; night;burning thirst; extreme thirst; unquenchable thirst; drinks often but small drinks.Thirstlessness. Vomiting: on coughing; after eating; mucus; watery.Distension of abdomen after eating; flatulence; fulness, gurgling, hardness. Heavy feeling inabdomen. Inflammation of liver; spleen. Liver affections. Pain in the abdomen; at night; after eating; before a diarrhea; before stool; better after stool and after passing flatus; inhypochondria; hypogastrium; in region of umbilicus. Cramping; before stool better by passing flatusand stool. Cutting; before stool.Drawing in abdomen; in hypochondria. Sore, tender abdomen; in hypochondria. Stitching inabdomen; in hypochondria; in inguinal region; in spleen. Nervous feeling in abdomen. Rumbling inabdomen; as if a diarrhea would come on. Affections of the spleen. Swollen inguinal glands. Tension inabdomen, in hypochondria.Constipation, alternating with diarrhea; stool hard. Diarrhea: evening; daytime; morning; driveshim out of bed; after midnight; frequent stool during daytime; from becoming cold; fromcold drinks; worse during menses; aftervegetable; stool: bloody; copious, frequent, mucous, painless, pasty, , soft, thin, watery,. Excoriation of anus. Flatus copious and offensive.. Pain: during and after stool; cramping, better after stool;cutting, during stool and in the hypogastrium; before stool; soreness and stitching; tearing during stool;. Urging to stool; ineffectual; after stool.Sore pain in bladder relieved by urinating; urging to urinate at night; constant; frequent.Urination difficult; frequent; at night in sleep; unsatisfactory. Burning and aching in thekidneys. Burning in the urethra when passing urine.Urine: burning; dark; pale; copious at night; clear as water; scanty; with mucus and phosphate. Specific gravity decreased; 1010.Morning erections; incomplete. Inflammation of glans penis, prepuce and testes. Stitching of thegenitals, penis, scrotum.Soreness left testis. Seminal emissions. Swollen penis and testes.In the female the desire is increased. Leucorrhoea; thick; yellow. Menses:copious; too soon; . Metrorrhagia. Pain in the uterus.

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