Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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the tibia are very common. It has cured ulcers on the legs, deep as if punched out. Burning on theankles, soreness of the heels. It has cured ulcers on the heels.The sleep is most restless. Starting in sleep and turning and tossing. Its chest symptoms areworse on walking.Upon the skin we have pustules, boils, eczema, blisters, herpes, shingles, ulcers on the skin,tubercles, suppurating tubercles and eruptions that are syphilitic in character.The following symptoms have recently been cured by Kali-bi.They are found under Kali-bi. in Allen's Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, page 237:Weakness of digestion, so that the stomach was disordered by any but the mildest food (chromewashers). Incarceration of flatulence in stomach and whole lower portion of abdomen.(Zlatarovich).Great feebleness of stomach in the morning. (Lackner).Feeling of emptiness in the stomach, though want of appetite at dinner. (Marenzetler).Feeling of sinking in the stomach before breakfast. (Dr. R.Dudgeon).The patient wakes in the night with great uneasiness in the stomach, and soreness andtenderness in a small spot to the left of the xiphoid appendix, which is very similar to symptoms inDrysdale's proving.Sudden violent pain in the stomach; in its anterior surface, a burning constructive pain.(Zlatarovich).The same patient complaints of repletion after a mouthful of food, and he had takenLycopodium without benefit.There was also cutting as with knives, and he was unable to digest potatoes or any starchy food.There were no catarrhal symptoms of nose or chest, and no thick, ropy, mucous discharges,therefore Kali-bi, was neglected.The stomach symptoms alone guided to its use, as he had no other symptoms of importance.The relief is marked. and I think permanent.It will be seen that I have made use of the language of the prover mostly, as it so perfectlydescribes the symptoms of the patients.In looking over the proving, the patient underscored such symptoms as he had suffered from,and the remedy was furnished on these symptoms, which really lends value to the provings.Especially are these proving the more beautiful, as they are by several provers.KALIUM CARBONICUM [kali-c] [Kent’s]The Kali carb. patient is a hard patient to study, and the remedy itself is a hard one to study.It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason is that it is a very complex and confusingremedy. It has a great many opposite symptoms, changing symptoms, and this it is related to patientsthat withhold their symptoms and have many vague symptoms.The patient is whimsical, irascible, irritable to the very highest degree, quarrels with his familyand with his bread and butter. He never wants to be alone, is full of fear and imaginations when alone,"fear of the future, fear of death, fear of ghosts". If compelled to remain alone in the house he iswakeful, sleepless, or his sleep is full of horrible dreams. He is never at peace, is full of imaginationsand fear. "What if the house should burn up!" "What if l should do this or that!" and "What if this andthe other thing should happen!" He is oversensitive to everything, sensitive to every atmosphericchange; he can never get the room at just exactly the right temperature; he is sensitive to every draft ofair and to the circulation of air in the room: He cannot have the windows open, even in a distant part ofthe house. He will get up at night in bed and look around to see where that draft of air comes from. Hecomplaints are worse in wet weather, and in cold weather. He is sensitive to the cold and is alwaysshivering. His nerves feel the cold; they are all painful when it is cold. The neuralgias shoot here andthere when it is cold, and if the part affected be kept warm the pain goes to some other place. All hispains change place and go into the cold part; if he covers up one part. the pain goes to the partuncovered.This remedy is full of sticking, burning, tearing pains, and these fly around from place to place.Of course Kali carb. has pains that remain in one place, but usually the pains fly around in everydirection. Pains cutting like knives. Pains like hot needles, sticking, stinging and burning. These painsare felt in internal parts and dry passages. Burning in the anus and rectum, described as if a hot pokerwere forced into that passage; burning as with fire. The hemorrhoids burn like coals of fire.The burning of Kali carb. is like that of Arsenicum.

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