Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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While the intellect is slowed down, yet most of the symptoms are emotional.Plumbum cures kidney affections with albumen and sugar in the urine. The urine is dark,scanty, and of high specific gravity.Retention of urine from lack of sensation that the bladder is full.Apoplexy. Stupor, when is sufficiently similar to remove the cerebral congestionwhich always surrounds the apoplectic clot, Plumbum may follow. Plumbum, and are three sheet anchors. They conform to the symptoms often when the first state has beenlike . The paralysis of muscles, the paralytic weakness of one side of the body, or single partsof the body, show its reaction to such cases.There is another feature of the upper part of the body, of the head and mind, which is not clearin the books and which is worthy of your attention. The mental symptoms, the emotional symptoms,and the head symptoms are greatly exaggerated by any exertion, especially exertion in the open air.While walking in the open air the patient becomes hot in the head, pale in the face, and cold in theextremities; hands and feet cold as ice, as if dead; and if he continues the exertion the face becomesfairly cadaveric. Persons cannot exercise and continue it without cold extremities. An irritable brain;pain in the base of the brain, back of the neck, in the nerve centers. Cold extremities from exertion; yetcan do considerable mental exertion without becoming cold. It is from physical exertion like walking inthe open air. Paroxysmal pain in the Limbs, evening and night; better by pressure and worse frommotion. Lightning-like pains. Jerking and trembling of all the limbs.The Plumbum patient is cold and emaciated, needs much clothing even in warm weather, notabout the head, but over the body.Extremities cold, blue, numb, and emaciated. Sweat on the extremities, and on the feet it isstinking. Feet and toes withered like a washerwoman's hands. Toes blistered; blisters between the toes,smarting. Ulcerations. Molecular death and even gangrene of the skin of the fingers and toes. Callusesabout the feet, corns and bunions.With the chronic affection of the head there is contraction of the muscles of the back and neck;drawing and twitching indicating meningeal troubles; spasmodic jerking. "Swelling of the submaxillaryand sublingual glands". Convulsions often like tetanus, with lockjaw. "Distinct blue line along themargins of the gums". "Gums pale, swollen, show a lead-colored line; blue, purple, or brown; painfulwith hard tubercles". "Tongue dry, brown, cracked; coated yellow or green; dry, red, glazed in chronicgastritis". Breath fetid, dryness of mouth, ulceration, aphthae. "Sensation of a plug in the throat; globushystericus"."Paralysis of throat and inability to swallow", a paralysis of the oesophagus.The stomach has no ability to digest food. Assimilation is also destroyed. Pains in the abdomen,tearing, like colic, doubling the patient up. Constant sensation of pulling at the navel as by a string;as ifthe abdomen were drawn in. At times the abdomen does become concave, as if the abdomen and backwere too close together.Constipation is a common and well known feature. The constipation, colic, and abdominalsymptoms are commonly associated. "Constipated stools, hard, lumpy like sheep's dung; with urgingand terrible pain from constriction or spasms of anus; knotty feces in form of balls". No matter howmuch straining he cannot expel the stool. Constriction of intestines; navel and anus violently retracted"."Excessive pain in abdomen radiating from thence to all parts of the body". "Severe colic; contractedabdomen; bends backward, motor nerves most affected".Rumbling and flatulence. Impaction of feces. Vaginismus in keeping with the spasmodic action."Inclination to take strange attitudes and positions in bed".Anemia, chlorosis, emaciation, muscular atrophy, wandering pains, dropsical swelling, yellowskin, jaundice".Burning in ulcers is in keeping with the remedy everywhere.PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM [podo] [Kent’s]This remedy is seldom used except in acute affections, but it is a long acting and deep actingdrug; it produces a powerful impression on the economy; it relates to the deep-seated miasms.It affects profoundly the abdominal viscera. It shows its symptoms largely on the abdominalorgans, the pelvic organs, and the liver. The abdomen seems to be the earliest seat of attack.It produces such an impression upon the stomach and intestinal canal that the healthy action isimpaired, digestion and assimilation cease. Everything taken into the stomach becomes sour. Theglands of the stomach are as if paralyzed there is no digestion; this goes on until we have vomiting anddiarrhea During this there is a wonderful disturbance in the abdomen; rumbling gurgling as if animalwere floundering about; clinically, as if fish were turning and tossing in a pond, as we have seen them

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