Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Dryness and constriction in the larynx; scraping slate-colored mucus from the larynx; mucus isdetached with difficulty; burning and soreness in the larynx; roughness in larynx. The symptoms of thelarynx are worse from dust, smoke or cold air. Voice: hoarseness with coryza; lost; weak. Respirationis fast and deep; miner's asthma from coal dust; difficult on ascending, short.Cough: morning; afternoon; evening; from deep breathing; dry at night; in the morningand from exertion; dry teasing cough all day; exhausting; hacking; from irritation in larynx and trachea;loose; racking, short, spasmodic; from tickling in larynx and trachea; violent; worse in a warm room.Expectoration: morning, evening, bloody, difficult, mucous, ,tasting bitter, flat, putrid, viscid, yellow.Anxiety and constriction of the chest. Eruptions, pimples.Sensation of fulness in the chest. Hemorrhage from the lungs.Pneumonia and phthisis in miners from dust of coal. Irritation in the bronchia tubes in the mornmorning. Oppression of chest on exertion and deep breathing; heart. Pain in the chest, during cough; inthe heart; , cutting below the seventh rib; pressing; rawness; sore from coughing;. Palpitation of the heart; night; ascending steps; exertion; tumultuous.Sensation as if he had inhaled smoke.Coldness of the back at night. Stitching of the cervical region. Pain in the back, evening; night;worse walking; in the scapulae; between the scapulae; on bending forward and on breathing; in thelumbar region when stooping and waking; in the sacrum both when walking and sitting; aching in theback; drawing pain in the back; sore pain in the back; sore pain in the sacrum when walking andstooping; sore pain in cervical region; sore pain under scapulae; sore pain in spine on pressure.Stiffness in the cervical region, in the back.Awkwardness of the limbs; cold and cramps in calf; in soles. Eruptions onlimbs; thin white scales; vesicles.Excoriation between the thighs. Formication of the feet.Heaviness, a tired feeling in lower limbs, in feet. Itching of all the limbs. Jerking in the lowerlimbs. Lameness in the limbs.Numbness in the feet. Pain in the limbs; in the joints, during chill; neuralgic pain in limbs; gouty pains; upper limbs; right arm shoulder; rheumatic pain inshoulder and elbow; palms painful; pain in fingers. Pain in lower limbs; sciatica worse waking; in thehip; thigh when walking; knee. Aching down front of legs; bruised pain in limbs from continuedmotion; burning feet and soles, crampy pain in calf; flying pains in fingers, palms and forearms;drawing pains in lower limbs, thigh, knees, calf; neuralgic pain from axilla to little finger, stitching painin hip, thigh, hip to knee on motion; knee, leg; tearing pains in upper limbs, in lower limbs, in thigh,legs, ankles, foot. Perspiration of hands, of feet.Pulsation of limbs. Restlessness of the limbs, upper limbs, lower limbs, legs. Stiffness of limbs,, wrists. Swelling of limbs: legs; feet. Trembling hands; lower limbs.Twitching upper limbs; thighs. Weakness of the limbs; upper limbs; hands; thighs; feet.The sleep is deep. Dreams: amorous; of murder; nightmare; pleasant;vexations; vivid. Late falling asleep; restless sleep. Sleepiness in the afternoon.Sleeplessness before midnight; with sleepiness.Unrefreshing sleep. , frequently.Chill morning; evening in bed; in cold air; coldness comes on at night in bed;chilliness, internal chill, shaking chill in the morning; chill at 2A.M.; 1P.M.; 2 P.M.; the chill isrelieved in a warm room.Fever at night, dry heat, flushes of heat, perspiration absent.Perspiration: morning; from anxiety; in bed; cold; on coughing; on slight exertion;following the fever; on motion; profuse at night; symptoms worse while perspiring; aversion touncovering while perspiring.Burning skin; cold skin; desquamation. Liver spots, red spots, yellow skin; dryness of the skin.Eruptions: blisters; boils; burning; moist; itching in warmth; painful; pimples; scaly; thinwhite scales; stinging, suppurating tubercles; urticaria; nodules; vesicular erysipelas, with swelling,worse after scratching; formication of skin; itching, crawling, worse after scratching. Swelling of skinwith burning. Ulcers: burning; deep; yellow discharge; spreading; .

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