Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Discontented; discouraged and, at times, in despair. He is easily distracted. Dullness of mind,better in the open air. Easily excited. Mental exertion makes the symptoms worse. Fear in the eveningon going to bed; in a crowd; of impending disease; of some evil; that something will happen; of people. forgetful; he feels constantly hurried. Hysterical and her mind is very active; ideasvery active. Imbecility, irritability irritability, impatience; indifferent to all joy.Aversion to mental work and to business; aversion to reading; indolence; .Lamenting, laughing, loathing of life, loquacity. The mental symptoms are all mild. Mirthful, hilarious;prostration of mind. She becomes quarrelsome. Restlessness; nights, tossing, anxious restlessness.Sadness in the evening; during fever. Sensitive to noise; startled easily, by noise, on going to sleep,from sleep. Suspicious. Indisposed to talk; disturbed by the conversation of people. Timidity with avacant feeling of mind. Weeping. Vertigo while walking. When the above general symptoms arepresent in any considerable number the following particulars will yield to this remedy.Hyperaemia of the brain with heat and fullness; fullness in the forehead. Subjective heat withobjective coldness of forehead. Heaviness in the head, in the forehead. Empty feeling in the head.Numbness in forehead in the evening. morning; afternoon; night, nighton waking; better in the open air; catarrhal headache; with coryza; worse after eating; from becomingheated; worse from heat; from a jar; from light; before and during menses; moving head; every motion jars head; from paroxysmal pains; ;from pressure; pulsating; worse in a room; after sleep; from stooping; tobacco smoke; from walking; ina warm room; from wine. Pain in the forehead; in the morning on waking; during the whole day; abovethe eyes extending to the temples. Pain in the occiput; pain in the sides of the head; pain in the temples;right side, from temple to temple; pain in the vertex. Boring in the temples; right to left; with nausea;bursting in the head, the forehead; drawing in the head, pain in the head; inthe forehead, in the vertex; sharp pains above the right eye; shootingpains above the right eye. Sore and tender scalp; forehead. Stitching pains in the head; pains in the head; tearing in the head; in the forehead; in the sides of the head. . Pulsation in the head; forehead, temples, vertex; with fullness in the forehead.The eye symptoms are worse in the morning; lids are stuck together in the morning; congestedeyes and blood vessels; discharge of mucus from the eyes. Dryness. Sensation of enlargement of theeyes in the morning on waking. Granular lids.The eyes feel hot. Inflammation of the conjunctiva from cold or wind; worse in the morning,after night work; of the lid and margins. Injected veins. Lachrymation in the morning on waking, in theopen air, on looking steadily, when reading, unable to open the lids. Pain in the eyes, worse in sunlight;from motion; while reading; while reading by gas light; while writing; . Aching inand over the eyes; in the morning on waking. Burning n the eyes; in the evening, in the open air, whilereading. Pressing pain in the eyes; smarting as from smoke; sore and tender when reading: stitchingpains in the eyes.Paralysis of the upper lids; of the optic nerve. Photophobia in daylight. Pupils dilated. left eyelarger than right. . Staring eyes; stiffness of the lids; of the .Strabismus. Swollen eyes; LIDS; . Ulceration of the cornea.Weak eyes and vision; vision blurred; tires out when reading. Dark colors before the eyes. Vision dim,on looking long; wipes eyes for relief. Flickering, foggy vision. Hemiopia. Myopia. Sparks before theeyes.The ears are hot; itching in the ears. Noises: morning, evening, with vertigo, humming, ringing,roaring, rushing in the right ear; singing. Pain in ears: , tearing, behind the ears.The ears fee stopped. Hearing for .Catarrh with pain in forehead and root of nose, post-nasal with viscid mucus. Coryza: worse inopen air, with cough, fluent or dry, fluent alternating with dry; discharge: , dry, hard bluish mucus, offensive, , .Dryness in nose. Epistaxis after removing crusts from nose; bright red blood. Obstruction ofnose at night (right); morning on waking; mucous membrane thickened and it is difficult to breathethrough the nose. Ozaena. The nose is red. Pain in the nose, in the roof of nose; burning, pressing atroot of nose; rawness in nose. Smell acute at first, later wanting. Frequent, violent sneezing.Corners of lips cracked and indurated. Discoloration of the face, bluish, around eyes; earthy; red; yellow; liver spots. Face is drawn. Eruptions on the face; forehead and lips; on comedones; herpes on lips; moist eruptions; pimples, vesicles. Theface is hot and itching.

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