Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Extreme thirst, worse at night; during chill. Vomiting on coughing; after milk; bile, bitter;mucus.Distension after eating; obstructed flatulence; fulness and gurgling; a commotion in theabdomen. Hard, heavy abdomen. Pain in morning, after noon, night; after eating; in hypogastrium; inhypochondrium; burning, cramping, cutting, stitching in hypochondria, liver and spleen; rumbling inbowels. Sensation of tightness in abdomen.Constipation with difficult even soft stool; fruitless urging to stool; inactivity of the rectum;unsatisfactory stool.Constricted anus. Diarrhoea morning and evening, from milk, painless; stool bloody, frequent,slimy, thin, watery; constipation with stool hard, light colored, soft, scanty.Formication of the anus and much flatus. Itching. Pain after stool; burning during and after ahard stool; soreness of anus, with cutting, stitching and tenesmus.Pressing in the bladder; tenesmus; constant or frequent urging to urinate; worse during thenight; urination frequent during the night. Involuntary urination at night. Must wait long for urine tostart in the morning. After urination he feels that he has not finished. Emission of prostatic fluid duringa difficult stool; enlarged prostate. Burning during urination. The urine is hot, cloudy, .Troublesome, painful, violent erections; the glans penis is inflamed, itching of the penis andscrotum; pain in the testes; seminal emissions. Sexual passion increased. Swelling of the testes. Itgreatly restrains the progress of cancer of the cervix uteri. The desire is much increased. Induration ofthe cervix. Leucorrhoea copious and yellow before menses; menses absent, copious, frequent or late;protracted, scanty. Bearing down in the pelvis as in prolapsus. Pain in left ovary during coition.Irritation in the larynx; hoarseness; respiration is rapid; asthmatic, , .Cough in daytime, morning, afternoon, evening, ; dry, hacking cough in morning; losecough in the morning; cough from irritation in the larynx; cough during chill, cough with expectorationmorning and evening. Expectoration bloody, greenish; ; viscid, yellow, tastingputrid, salty.Constriction and oppression of the chest; pain in chest on coughing. Pressing in the region ofheart. Rawness in chest on coughing; chest feels sore and bruised on coughing; stitching in sides ofchest, especially the right. Palpitation strong, worse at night, after eating. Swelling of the axillaryglands.Coldness of the back; itching of the skin of the back; pain in the back during menses; onmotion; while sitting. Pain between the scapulae; pain in lumbar region in stooping pain in sacrum;aching in back; lumbar region; burning in lumbar region; drawing in cervical region; soreness in spine;stitching between scapulae; in lumbar region, in sacrum. Perspiration on the back; stiffness of thecervical region; during headache. Tension in the cervical region. Weak feeling in small of the back.Awkwardness in using the hands and in walking. Coldness of hands, lower limbs, .FEET; evening in bed; corns that are sore and sting; cracked skin of hands and fingers. Cramp in calf,foot, toes. Vesicles on fingers and lower limbs. Heat of hands; of feet; of soles. Heaviness of upperlimbs; ; feet.Itching of upper limbs; lower limbs; legs, , toes. Jerking of limbs during sleep. Jerkingof lower limbs. Numbness of the right arm in the morning; of the arm lain on; of feet. Pain in joints,pain in shoulder. Bruised pain in limbs. Drawing pain in elbow; forearm; lower limbs; thighs; knee;leg. Stitching in hip, thighs, knees, legs, ankles, soles, heels. Tearing in limbs; joints; upper limbs;shoulders; upper arm; elbow; wrist; fingers.Tearing in , thigh, knee, leg, foot, toes. Paralytic weakness of the sides of body; right armand right lower limb.Perspiration of hands and . Restless arms and feet.Stiffness of the limbs. OEdematous swelling of feet and legs.Tension of calf. Tingling of fingers. Trembling of hands and lower limbs. Twitching in limbs;upper limbs; forearm; thighs.Weakness of limbs; upper limbs; hand, lower limbs; thighs, , ANKLES; feet .Dreams ANXIOUS; previous events; frightful; of ghosts; nightmare; murder; pleasant; VIVID.Falling asleep late. Restless sleep. Sleeplessness before midnight, ; with sleepiness.Sleep unrefreshing; waking too early; too frequent.Sleepless during nightly fevers.Chill morning; forenoon; evening in bed. Chill in cold air; after eating; one-sided, chilliness.Shaking chill. Internal chill. Flushes of heat. Fever without chill or sweat from 9 p.m.until 2 a.m. with very red face and hot skin.Perspiration nights; cold, on ; profuse.

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