Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Aversion to bathing. Many symptoms come on after coition. He may be a sexual debauche.Many symptoms come on from fasting, and he is generally ameliorated after eating. He is aggravatedfrom any physical exertion. His muscles are flabby, and he is losing flesh. He is disturbed by butter,cold drinks, cold food, , fruit, , and , Formication externallyand internally. There is great physical irritability, and later a marked lack of reaction. Many symptomsare aggravated from a jar, or stepping. There is marked lassitude in the morning in hot weather.Constant desire to lie down. Prolonged weakness from loss of fluids. Lying on left side aggravatesmany symptoms.Worse before and after menses. During menses the symptoms are aggravated afternoon andevening. Numbness in single parts.Orgasm of blood. Stitching, tearing pains, aggravated during a thunderstorm. Pulsation all overthe body. Sensation as though a shot was forced through the arteries is a verified symptom. in general, and to pain. Shocks through the body, in night while awake. Sittingaggravates. General aggravation during a thunderstorm. Tension in muscles and tendons. Trembling inthunderstorm. Twitching of muscles. and paralytic weakness aggravated in morning, andafter exertion. The body smells sour (like, .Anger over trifles, and complaints from vexation. Anxiety evening and night; in bed; beforemidnight; after eating; with fear; during fever about the future; about his health; on waking.Complaints from bad news. Aversion to company. Concentration difficult. Confusion of mindin the morning; in the evening; after eating, from mental exertion; on waking. Delusions, frightful;thinks he sees dead people; imagines; thinks he is going to have typhoid fever; that he hears footstepsin the next room. Discontented, discouraged, and easily distracted. Dullness of mind while reading.Mental exertion brings on many complaints.He is very excitable. Fear at night; of impending disease; that something will happen; ofmisfortune;on waking. Fears bad news, . Easily frightened, and heedless. She is hystericaland in a hurry. No one works fast enough to suit him. Sometimes his ideas are abundant, and againdeficient, and his mind grows sluggish. Impatience. He is indifferent to everything even to his family.A gradually increasing indolence; a dread of mental and physical work. Irritability; in the morning;during menses; about trifles. Memory weak. Times of mirthfulness. . Restless and anxious evening and night. Sadness in evening, after emission, during fever, andfrom music. He is extremely sensitive to music and noise and to his surrounding. He grows serious andsilent, and sits by himself quite still for a long time. He is easily startled, from fright, from noise, onfalling asleep, and during sleep. Spells of stupefaction creep over him. His friends call him suspicious.Indisposed to talk.His thoughts wander. He is growing timid and bashful. Weeps easily. Mental work becomesimpossible and he seems to be approaching imbecility.Vertigo in the morning; aggravated from mental exertion, while sitting and walking. Tendencyto fall.Congestion in the evening. Heat in head in evening, in forehead and vertex. Flushes of heat aftersweat. Tension in the scalp. Eruptions on the head of golden yellow scabs; eczema on the forehead.Fulness in forehead; over the eyes; in the morning; aggravated by mental exertion. Heaviness of thehead, and the hair falls out. Pain in the head,morning, afternoon, evening and night, aggravated bindingup the hair; ; must lie down; aggravated from light; lying; before, during and ; ; after sour milk; motion; motion of head; noise; rising from lying;in a room; ; after sleep; after stooping; straining eyes; ;while walking; warm room; ameliorated in open air; by pressure. The headaches are periodical,pulsating. Pain in forehead aggravated from ; from motion; ; in; sides of head; temples; in vertex on waking in morning; in vertex and forehead. The painsare bursting, cutting in temples and sides of head; drawing in head and occiput; pressing with sourslimy vomiting; pressing in forehead, outward, over eyes; pressing in occiput, and sides of occiput;pressing in temples; pressing in vertex as if it would open.Stitching in head, in forehead, in sides of head, in temples.Stunning in head and forehead. Tearing in head. Perspiration of forehead. Pulsating in head,forehead, temples and vertex. Shocks in the head. Twitching. Uncovering the head brings on thesymptoms.Dryness of the eyes. Creamy yellow discharges. Heaviness of the lids. Inflammation of theeyes. Scrofulous ophthalmia, and granular lids. Itching and burning of the lids and margin of the lids.Burning lachrymation. must rub the eyes. Pain in the eyes when reading. Burning and cutting. Pressingduring menses. Pain as though sand in eyes. Sore, bruised feeling when reading.

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