Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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along the urinary tract will be found under Apis. "Flow of urine unconscious". Stitching pain in theurethra with enuresis. Morbid irritability of the urinary organs. "Strangury. Agony in voiding urine.Retention of urine in nursing infants". It is queer how the old women knew, long before Apis wasproved, that when the little new-born baby did not pass its water they could find a cure by going out tothe bee-hive and catching a few bees, over which they poured hot water, and of which they gave thebaby a teaspoonful. Some domestic things like that have been known among families and amongnurses, and it is consistent because it is just like what we give Apis for. "Urine scanty and fetid,containing albumen and blood corpuscles". Especially in acute albuminuria. The acute inflammatoryaffection of the kidney with albuminuria, such as occurs in scarlet fever or diphtheria, or after these,such as occurs as a sequel of acute disease.Inflammation of the kidney closes up the case and kills off a good many in allopathic hands,never in homeopathic hands. It is closely related to the genital organs of both male and female.Swelling and oedematous state of the genitals. Apis is a great friend of the woman. It cures allof her inflammatory complaints it seems, when the symptoms agree. That is to say, it producesinflammation of the uterus and ovaries and dreadful sufferings in the external and internal parts, and wehave only to discover when the symptoms agree to cure most of these inflammatory troubles. It evenstops abortion. It will stop abortion after some miserable scoundrel has attempted to get rid of theoffspring, and she has taken drugs and bought on pains, pains strong enough to expel the contents ofthe uterus, especially in the first, second and third months. A little hemorrhage has come on, a merethreatening, the membranes are not yet ruptured, but they soon will be, and she has stinging, burningpains, and lies uncovered and suffers from the heat, probably from the overdose of Ergot. Apis willovercome this greatly to her regret. This kind of villainy prevails. But women have accidents andweakness, whereby, in spite of the fact that they desire to hold their offspring, they are threatened withabortion, and Apis is a great friend to the prospective mother. Burning and stinging pains in the ovariesespecially the right; when greatly enlarged and even cystic, Apis has proved a curative remedy, hasoften cured tumors, and has caused cystic formation to stop growing or to disappear. The right ovarianregion is very sensitive. Pain in the uterus and ovaries before and during menstruation. Stinging,rending, tearing pains cutting like knives, worse from heat. It is a very easily got symptom, because inmost painful symptoms heat or the hot water bag are tried with the natural hope of relief, but with thisremedy it aggravates. She throws it aside, for the pain is worse from heat. "Ovaries enlarged", etc.Dropsy of right ovary. Ovarian tumor.APOCYNUM CANNABINUM [apoc] [Kent’s]This remedy comes in as a good one to contrast with Apis. You will find in analogous in itssymptoms and much like the complaints cured by Apis. You will be astonished in going over thedropsical condition, the rheumatic condition, the tumefaction of the cellular tissues, the dropsy of thesacs, the scanty urine resulting in dropsy; the inflammatory swellings with edema, at the greatresemblances; and if you were to start in with two cases and work them out from their particulars, andif one feature were left out, the aggravation and the amelioration, the cold and the heat, in many casesyou would not be able to distinguish between Apis and Apocynum, so near alike are their swellings,their bleedings, their distensions, and their disturbances. Both are remedies for dropsy; routinists willtry first Apis, and then they try Apocynum, and then they will try something else that is good fordropsy.But all the way through this medicine is aggravated from cold, the patient himself is aggravatedfrom cold. His complaints are worse from cold applications. In his distended, dropsical state, he ischilly, sensitive to air. He is sensitive to cold drinks.He has a pain in the stomach, and even vomits, from cold drinks.Pain in the abdomen from cold drinks. Uneasiness here and there in the body when cold thingsare in the stomach; you see at once how different that is from Apis. Anyone who follows symptomhunting and does not distinguish between circumstances that relate to the patient and modalities thatrelate to symptoms cannot appreciate these two grand distinctions, where the one patient is aggravatedfrom heat and the other one ameliorated by heat, in all complaints.The excretions are all diminished. The urine is scanty. The skin is dry. No matter what hiscomplaints are, he cannot sweat.He feels if he could only perspire he would get well. There is no outthrow of water. He drinksplentiful, and it goes into the cellular tissues to distend them, and he becomes dropsical. He has a waterconstitution, one that takes in water and lets out none. He passes little water, and he perspires scantilyor none at all; his skin in dry, sometimes hot, yet he is chilly. The skin feels husky and rough, but he ischilly. Apis suffers dreadfully from dry skin, from scanty urine; yet Apis is aggravated everywhere

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