Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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Inveterate cases of catarrh of the chest with asthmaticwheezing, overexertion. After violent exertion andoverheating, gets in a draft, or takes cold from a bath,becomes chilled. Humid asthma, coarse rattling, thechest seems filled with mucus, seems as if he wouldsuffocate. Especially the asthma of old sycotics, or inchildren of sycotic parents. It competes with in such cases. The patient is pale, waxy,anaemic, with great prostration and thirst.Asthmatic attacks from suppressed gonorrhea, withliability to develop complaints from over-exertion andover-heating, as in most sycotics.Dry, teasing cough with hoarseness, threateningtuberculosis of the larynx, peculiar cracked voice fromthickening of the laryngeal mucous membrane ortubercular involvement; soreness of the chestthreatening miliary tuberculosis, with aggravationfrom cold and amelioration from warm drinks.Pulmonary affections in stone-cutters. The fine dustcauses chronic irritation. Silica establishes asuppuration and throws off these particles of stone.Expectoration profuse, fetid, green, purulent; onlyduring the day; viscid, milky, acrid mucus, at timespale, frothy blood.Chronic tendency for colds to settle in the chest andbring on asthmatic symptoms. Chronic bronchitis;inflammation of the lungs with suppuration. Silicaespecially suits the later stages of pneumonia and theold, chronic complaints following pneumonia.Slow recovery after pneumonia , , Sil., . Flushes, rattling in the chest.Flushes in the face during the day , rattling like , flushes like and Phthisis; thick, yellow, green,foetid sputa, more pronounced coldness than ,and head sweat, pains in the lungs, sore lung, stitches.In the extremities we have inflammation of theperiosteum.Corns . Ingrowing toe-nails.Rheumatism of the soles of the feet, Cannot walk, Sil.).Begins to sweat as soon as he falls asleep

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