Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online

Kent's - Classical Homeopathy Online


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with numb feeling; fever one-sided. Thirst before the chill and seldom during the heat; heat withdistended veins; sweat profuse all over or only on one side of the body. Vomiting of mucus during thechill.PYROGENIUM [pyrog] [Kent’s]The potencies prepared from Heath's 3d of decomposed beef have been used by the author formany years against all forms of septic fever and sequelae, when the symptoms agree. Violent chillintermingled with heat and sweat, or dry heat with marked aching in the limbs; restlessness, >bymotion and heat. The sore bruised condition is as marked as in and ; the aching inthe bones like , the restlessness, > by motion and heat like . Pains all aggravatedsitting. Complaints come on from becoming cold, and from cold damp weather.These features are found in hectic fevers in the last stages of phthisis; as well as septic fevers. Itaborts puerperal fever in a few hours when clearly indicated. In cases of typhoid where there is theconfusion like that found in and the heat is too intense for that remedy, Pyrogen shouldalways be considered. When the temperature reaches 106 and there is great soreness and aching thisremedy will make great changes in a single day; but if the pains are > by motion and heat it will abortthe fever.When the pulse is extremely high, and the temperature not correspondingly high this remedywill be useful. On the other hand, when the pulse and temperature are out of rhythm either way thisremedy should be considered if the case is of septic origin.Great pain when the flow from an open abscess becomes scanty..Offensiveness prevails extensively; even putrid and cadaveric odors of body, breath, sweat anddischarges. Fevers from sewer gas poisoning; erysipelas from infection and surgical fevers. It curesmany chronic complaints that date back to septic conditions. She has not been well since a puerperalfever many years ago, is a good reason for thinking of Pyrogen.A young man of good inheritance suffered from blood poison and made a poor recovery, andfor several years was affected with abscess in various parts. He was pale and s rheumatic and stiff; atthis time there was an abscess of the calf slowly forming. He took Pyrogen and made a rapid andcomplete recovery. This time the abscess did not open. He has remained in good heath now ten years.It has cured Bright's disease that could be traced to septic origin. It is a most useful remedywhen there is threatening heart failure in septic and zymotic fevers. Septic hemorrhage, when the bloodis dark. It will often save life in the most dangerous and rapid septic fevers.Loquacity; can think and talk faster than ever before, especially during fever.Irritable. Delirium and confusion of mind about his body and limbs .1 Sensation asthough he covered the whole bed.Knew her head was on the pillow, but did not know where the rest of the body was.Feels when lying on one side she is one person, and another when turning on the other side.Sensation as though crowded with arms and legs.These symptoms are much like , but if the temperature runs very high will not meet the condition so well as Pyrogen.Violent congestion of the head and pulsation, > by pressure. Copioussweat on the head. Pain in occiput on coughing; in the morning on walking.The eyeballs are sore to touch, on turning them outwards or upwards.Septic bleeding from nose. Fan-like motion of ale nasi Face pale, sunken, and coveredwith cold sweat. Cheeks red and burning hot.The mouth is foul, and the taste putrid. The tongue is coated, and brown. Brown streak downthe center. Sordes on the teeth.Putrid odor from mouth.Vomiting; of bile, blood; of putrid masses. Vomits water when it becomes warm in the stomach.Stercoraceous vomiting. Coffee ground vomiting. Thirst for cold drinks during chill and heat.Distension and great sensitiveness of abdomen. Inflammation of peritoneum, intestines anduterus, of septic origin. Rumbling in bowels. Pain on deep breathing. Cutting, colicky pain. Pain inright side going through to the back < on every motion, talking and breathing; > by lying on right side;groaning with every breath.Copious, liquid, putrid stools. Involuntary stool. Profuse, watery, pain less stool. Stool carrionlike.The difficult constipated stool also like carrion in odor. Constipation with hard dry, black, putridstools; small black balls like olives.Putrid bloody stools. Soft narrow stool with great straining.

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