Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles

Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles

Book English 2011.p65 - Ministry of Textiles


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ministry <strong>of</strong> textilesapplications in healthcare textiles, homefurnishing, shoe lining fabrics andinnerwear.Different auxiliaries for application as antimicrobial, anti fungal and anti viral finisheshave been identified and orders havebeen placed for procurement <strong>of</strong> the same.The substrate for application <strong>of</strong> finisheshave been studied and cotton and nylonhave been identified for application <strong>of</strong>these finishes. The work plan for execution<strong>of</strong> the application in individual andcombination has been worked out.13) Design <strong>of</strong> processing sequencesuitable for embroidered fabricsincorporating embellishmentsTime and again, problems are beingencountered by the processors due topressing need for the careful handling <strong>of</strong>embroidered fabrics specially thoseincorporating embellishments such as jari,sequins, etc. Problems are encounteredduring finishing or top dyeing <strong>of</strong> suchfabrics as the embellishments are sensitiveto the extreme temperature and pHconditions being employed. This at timesleads to reworking and losses to themanufacturers, who have to rework thepieces. A clear processing guideline is notavailable to the processors for handlingsuch delicate materials. Hence it isenvisaged to design a processingsequence suitable for embroidered fabricsincorporating Sequins and otherembellishments. Different fabrics withembellishments are being procured <strong>of</strong>different finish level. The sequins and jarisare also being procured separately fortrials. Finishing chemicals are also beingprocured. Their dyeing and finishing trailsare being planned.POWERLOOM SERVICE CENTRES(PSC)SASMIRA runs two powerloom servicecentres in Bhiwandi for the benefit <strong>of</strong> thelocal weaving industry. The centres catervarious services e.g. Testing, Technicalservices, Consultancy etc. and schemeslike Technology Upgradation Scheme(TUFs), Group Insurance Scheme (GIS),Group Work Shed Scheme (GWSS), etc.for the local industry.The centres also contribute to HRDactivities. It runs a one-year certificatecourse on weaving run by the centre.Training courses like 'on-the-job trainingfor weavers / jobbers / supervisors' etc. isbeing conducted under Skill Up-gradationTraining Programme. SASMIRA hasstarted an "Apparel Training Centre" atPSC-I during the year. Seminars on currenttopics relating to textiles and relevant topowerloom weavers are regularly held inthe centres.FINANCESASMIRA received a Non-plan support <strong>of</strong>Rs 130.00 Lakhs from the Government in2009-10 for its recurring expenditure. Inaddition, Rs.87.50 Lakhs was released tothe Association during the year underreview <strong>of</strong> the plan fund for its ingoing planprojects.WOOL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(WRA)Wool Research Association (WRA) wasestablished in October 1963 under theSocieties Registration Act 1860, as anInstitution with the concept <strong>of</strong> Research &Development in the field <strong>of</strong> wooltechnology initially in the premises <strong>of</strong>VJTI, Mumbai, as a cooperative jointventure <strong>of</strong> Indian Woollen Industry andCSIR, Govt. <strong>of</strong> India. In its infancy, itstarted with a testing laboratory and aneducation curriculum leading to Diplomain <strong>Textiles</strong> (Wool).Presently, the activities <strong>of</strong> Wool ResearchAssociation are manifold, situated in itsown premises in a sprawling green belt <strong>of</strong>222

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