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| 22 | Voice of CAScope ofpowersPenaltyProvisi<strong>on</strong>sPowers ofIncome TaxAuthorityThe scope of the survey acti<strong>on</strong> includes thefollowing functi<strong>on</strong>sa) To impound books of account and otherdocuments subject to c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s prescribedtherein.b) To place marks of identificati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> thebooks of account or other documents andmake extracts or copies there from.Sec 272AA does not gets attaracted fordefault u/s 133AAn income-tax authority acting <strong>under</strong> thissecti<strong>on</strong> may,—(i) if he so deems necessary, place marksof identificati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> the books of accountor other documents inspected by him andmake or cause to be made extracts or copiestherefrom,(ia) impound and retain in his custody forsuch period as he thinks fit any books ofaccount or other documents inspected byhim:Provided that such income-tax authorityshall not—(a) impound any books of account or otherdocuments exceptafter recording his reas<strong>on</strong>s for so doing; or(b) retain in his custody any such books ofaccount or otherdocuments for a period exceeding ten days(exclusive ofholidays) without obtaining the approval ofthe ChiefCommissi<strong>on</strong>er or Director General therefor,as the casemay be,(ii) make an inventory of any cash, stock orother valuable article or thing checked orverified by him,(iii) record the statement of any pers<strong>on</strong>which may be useful for, or relevant to, anyproceeding <strong>under</strong> this Act.No such provisi<strong>on</strong> u/s133BPenalty for failureto comply with theprovisi<strong>on</strong>s of Sec 133Bmay extend to Rs 1,000/-u/s 272AA.An income-tax authorityacting <strong>under</strong> thissecti<strong>on</strong> may require anyproprietor, employee orany other pers<strong>on</strong> whomay at that time andplace be attending in anymanner to, or helping in,the carrying <strong>on</strong> of suchbusiness or professi<strong>on</strong> tofurnish such informati<strong>on</strong>as may be prescribedFor the removal ofdoubts, it is herebydeclared that an incometaxauthority acting<strong>under</strong> this secti<strong>on</strong> shall,<strong>on</strong> no account, removeor cause to be removedfrom the building orplace wherein he hasentered, any booksof account or otherdocuments or any cash,stock or other valuablearticle or thing.

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