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| 62 | Voice of CAI. F.No. 286/247/98-IT (Inv.-II) 2 nd Feb.,1999To,All Director Generals of Income tax (Inv.)All Chief Commissi<strong>on</strong>ers of Income tax,Sub: <strong>Search</strong> and <strong>Seizure</strong> cases – release of seized assets –Instructi<strong>on</strong>s reg.Sir,1. Instances have come to the notice of the Board of seizure of assets,which prima facie, appear to have been disclosed in the regularbooks of account maintained by the pers<strong>on</strong>s subjected to the searchacti<strong>on</strong>.2. In such cases of seizure of declared assets, the seized assets couldbe released subject of course to recovery acti<strong>on</strong> by the Departmentagainst existing arrears.3. There are also instances where jewellery or perishable stocks areseized. The searched parties sometimes request for release ofjewellery <strong>on</strong> grounds of need for pers<strong>on</strong>al use. The perishablestocks again, if not released, could deteriorate in quality leadingto erosi<strong>on</strong> in their value. In such cases, it has been decided that ifan unc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>al irrevocable bank guarantee to the full extent ofthe value of the seized assets is given, the assets could be releasedto that extent. The valuati<strong>on</strong> is to be d<strong>on</strong>e by the Income-taxDepartment and the guarantee should be clear and unequivocal.4. The bank guarantee should be valid till the relevant assessmentproceedings are complete and taxes are collected. The Departmentshould have the opti<strong>on</strong> to enforce the guarantee at any point oftime.5. It will also be ensured that in cases where the seized assets willhave specific evidentiary value in prosecuti<strong>on</strong> the assets will not bereleased till the completi<strong>on</strong> of prosecuti<strong>on</strong> proceedings.Yours faithfully,Sd/-(Kavita Bhatnagar)Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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